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552 results


Teaching Approaches Exploring Multiple Pathways to Holistic Development

Available from: He Kupu

Publication: He Kupu - The Word, vol. 7, no. 3

Pages: 15-22

Australasia, Australia and New Zealand, Comparative education, Dalton laboratory plan - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Emmi Pikler - Philosophy, Helen Parkhurst - Philosophy, Holistic education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., New Zealand, Oceania, Reggio Emilia approach (Early childhood education) - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: Te Whāriki: He Whāriki Mātauranga mō ngā Mokopuna o Aotearoa: Early Childhood Curriculum (Te Whāriki) (Ministry of Education [MoE], 2017) states that holistic development sees the child as a whole, encompassing all dimensions of children's learning and development. What holistic development looks like in practice, however, is left open-ended in Te Whāriki (MoE, 2017). It can therefore be difficult for the practitioner to know what holistic development entails and how it can be practiced. There is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to holistic learning and development, and with this in mind, the authors will explore what holistic development involves and more specifically how it is practised in a range of teaching approaches.

Language: English

ISSN: 1179 - 6812


Autonomous Development in Early Childhood

Available from: He Kupu

Publication: He Kupu - The Word, vol. 3, no. 5

Pages: 4-10

Child development, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Education - History, Education - Philosophy, Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Philosophy, Learner autonomy, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Rudolf Steiner - Philosophy

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Abstract/Notes: Autonomy is a critical aspect of early childhood development. This article will introduce the concept of autonomy in the early years, as presented by philosophers such as Rousseau, Montessori and Steiner. The article will also examine how young children cultivate a sense of autonomy and possible influences that impact upon their development. Finally, I will critically reflect on autonomy in relation to my own childhood and in relation to diverse contexts.

Language: English

ISSN: 1179 - 6812


✓ Peer Reviewed

Efficacy of Montessori and Traditional Method of Education on Self-Concept Development of Children

Available from: Journal Issues

Publication: International Journal of Educational Policy Research and Review, vol. 3, no. 2

Pages: 29-35

Asia, Comparative education, Emotional intelligence, India, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Self-esteem in children, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori is a method of education started by Maria Montessori in 1903 for the educationally backward children; after finding its efficacy on them it was thought that it even well suits for the normal children. It became very popular throughout the world in the 20th century and has been implemented both in private and public institutions. Based on certain principles it is evident in many of the researches conducted so far that the Montessori education is conducive for the overall development in social, emotional and cognitive components of children. With this background the present study was conducted to explore the effect of Montessori education on social development in terms of self-concept of the children as compared to the children of traditional method of education. Using descriptive and parametric tests for the obtained data it was found that the Montessori children have very high self-concept than the traditional children. Percentage result shows that the traditional children’s self-concept ranges from low to high category and the Montessori children’s self-concept ranges from high and very high, which indicated marked difference between them in self-concept. According to independent samples t-test results there was a statistical significant difference between the Montessori children group and the traditional children group, the Montessori children are found to have higher self-concept.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15739/IJEPRR.16.005

ISSN: 2360-7076

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

Impact of Montessori Kindergarten and Play Way Methods on the Level of Cognitive Development Among Pre Primary Children

Available from: Shodhganga: Indian Theses

Child development, Cognitive development, Comparative education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori schools, Preschool children

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Language: English

Published: Dindigul, India, 2022

Bachelor's Thesis

Montessoripedagogiikan keinoja kaveritaitojen kehittämisen tueksi [Montessori pedagogy methods to support the development of friendship skills]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli saada selville, mitä keinoja montessoripedagogiikassa käytetään kaveritaitojen tukemiseen ja kehittämiseen. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa, sekä pohtia miten montessoripedagogiikan hyviä käytäntöjä voisi käyttää kirkon varhaiskasvatuksen toiminnassa. Menetelmänä tulosten saavuttamiseksi käytettiin henkilöstön haastattelua. Toisena menetelmänä käytettiin havainnointia Montessori-leikkikoulussa. Henkilöstön haastatteluun vastasi 43 % kutsutuista. Havainnointi suoritettiin Helsingin Montessori-leikkikoulussa Pakilassa. Lähdeaineistona teoreettisen viitekehyksen, sekä tulosten peilaamiseen käytettiin alan lähdekirjallisuutta keskittyen lasten sosiaalisen kompetenssin kehittymiseen varhaiskasvatuksessa, sekä montessoripedagogiikassa. Tutkimus aloitettiin helmikuussa 2022, havainnointi suoritettiin elokuussa 2022. Haastattelun vastaukset saimme syksyn 2022 aikana. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen pohjalta arvioitiin, että tärkein seikka kaveritaitojen kehittämisen näkökulmasta on tutulta kasvattajalta saatu tuki ja sensitiivisyys lapsen yksilöllisiä piirteitä kohtaan. Empatiataitojen havaittiin olevan keskeisessä roolissa kaveritaitojen kehittymiselle. Havainnoinnin tuloksena saimme nähdä montessoripedagogiikan toimintaa käytännössä, lasten spontaanina toimintaan hakeutumisena, sekä keskinäisenä vuorovaikutuksena kasvattajien ja muiden lasten kanssa. Haastattelun vastauksissa nousi esiin toistamiseen arjen toiminta kaverisuhteiden kehittämisen tukena, sekä vahva toimintakulttuuri, jossa kaikki kasvattajat toimivat yhdenmukaisesti. Vahvistavina keinoina arjessa koettiin aikuisten vuorovaikutusmalli ja esi-merkki, aikuisen havainnointi ja ristiriitatilanteissa asioiden sanoittaminen. Lisäksi vastauksissa korostui tunnetaidot, sekä eri-ikäisten lasten ryhmä, jossa mallioppimista muilta lapsilta tapahtuu. Peilatessa montessoripedagogisia keinoja kirkon varhaiskasvatuksen toimintaan, huomattiin yhdistäviä tekijöitä, jotka voisivat toimia yhteistyötä mahdollistavana väylänä Montessorin varhaiskasvatuksen ja kirkon välillä. Dialogisuus, toisten ja ympäristön kunnioittaminen ovat arvoja, jotka yhdistävät Montessoria ja kirkkoa. Kirkon avarat tilat, ajankäytön muokkaamisen mahdollisuus, henkilöstön sitoutuneisuus, sekä kirkon varhaiskasvatuksessa olevien lasten ikäjakauma 2–5 vuotiaisiin, mahdollistavat kaveritaitojen kehittämistä laajemmin. Tulosten pohjalta havaittiin, että montessoripedagogiset oppimisympäristöt, sekä kasvatusmetodit tukevat lapsen itseluottamuksen, sekä kaveritaitojen kehittymistä.

Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2023


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori metodo taikymas sutrikusios raidos vaikų reabilitacijos procese [Application of the Montessori method in the rehabilitation process of children with impaired development]

Publication: Specialusis ugdymas / Special Education, vol. 2, no. 5

Pages: 151–157

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Abstract/Notes: The aim of raising children with developmental disorders is to find ways and possibilities of inducing the ganeral evolution of a child and to compensate these disorders...

Language: Lithuanian

ISSN: 1392-5369, 2424-3299

Book Section

Vaikystės sampratos rekonstrukcija M. Montessori ugdymo filosofijoje / The conception of child in Montessori theory of development

Book Title: Pasaulis vaikui: ugdymo realijos ir perspektyvos

Pages: 88–97

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Language: Lithuanian

Published: Vilnius, Lithuania: Edukologija, 2014

ISBN: 978-9955-20-969-0

Volume: 5

Doctoral Dissertation

Habilidades de resolução de problemas: desenvolvimento de uma medida e relações com o Método Montessori / Problem-Solving: Development of a Measure and Relation with the Montessori Method

Available from: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Montessori method of education - Perceptions

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Abstract/Notes: Problems, from simple to complex ones, are present in people's daily lives. The way each person responds to them is related to several psychological correlates, such as better psychological adjustment. Thus, different areas of Psychology have studied the psychological processes related to problem-solving (PS), emphasizing the interface between PS and educational processes. Even though PS skills are key aspects of the educational process, there are controversies about how to promote them in the school environment. The Montessori Method (MM) is one of the educational strategies that has as one of its purposes to develop these skills in the classroom. Thus, this thesis has conducted studies with different designs - correlational and quasi-experimental - with the objective of analyzing whether the MM promotes general PS skills. Due to the lack of Brazilian instruments that assess this construct, the first chapter presents the construction process of the Problem-Solving Scales (ERP), including the elaboration of items, focus groups (N = 24) and analysis by judges (N = 23), as well as studies (N = 767) to obtain evidence of validity based on internal structure and reliability estimates for ERP. Confirmatory factor analyzes showed that the ERP have two scales (Problem Resolution Skills (PSS) and Problem Orientation (PO)) with satisfactory internal consistency. The ERP were used in a study (Chapter 2) that aimed to compare the PS skills of students (N = 91) of traditional and montessorian schools and, in the latter case, implementation fidelity was considered (Classic Montessori or Supplemented Montessori). Associations were also made between these skills and demographic and educational variables. There were no statistically significant differences between the students of the two types of schools researched. PO was not associated to the demographic and educational variables investigated and when PSS was classified in levels (low, medium and high), a higher score of students with average levels was observed. In order to analyze the effects of a mathematical education process based on MM principles on the development of PS skills, a quasi-experiment (Chapter 3) was conducted with students of fourth and fifth grades of Elementary School (N = 18). After subdividing them into Montessori Group (MG) and Traditional Schooling Group (TSG), they participated in a process of mathematical education. The ERP were applied pre and post-mathematical education. There were gains in both PSS and PO, albeit limited, in 7 the MG. However, MG and TSG did not differ in mathematical performance. It is possible to state that, even though other studies are necessary to obtain more evidence of validity and to estimate its reliability, the ERP have satisfactory psychometric properties. There is also evidence that the MM can contribute to the development of PS skills. However, in the latter case, more empirical evidence is also needed, especially those obtained in classrooms rather than in experiments. Developing the PS skills of the students is fundamental, since they are essential both in the teaching-learning process and in life itself. / Problemas dos mais simples aos mais complexos estão presentes no dia-a-dia das pessoas. Assim, diferentes áreas da Psicologia têm estudado os processos psicológicos relacionados à resolução de problema (RP), destacando-se a interface entre RP e processos educacionais. Embora as habilidades de RP sejam aspectos chave do processo educacional, há controvérsias sobre como promovê-las em ambiente escolar. O Método Montessori (MM) é uma das estratégias educacionais que têm como um de seus propósitos desenvolver essas habilidades em sala. Desse modo, esta Tese conduziu estudos com diferentes delineamentos – correlacional e quase experimental – com o objetivo de analisar se o MM promove habilidades gerais de RP. Devido à carência de instrumentos brasileiros que avaliam este construto, no primeiro capítulo é apresentado o processo de construção das Escalas de Resolução de Problema (ERP), incluindo elaboração de itens, grupos focais (N = 24) e análise por juízes (N = 23), bem como estudos (N = 767) para a obtenção de evidências de validade baseadas na estrutura interna e estimativas de fidedignidade para as ERP. Análises fatoriais confirmatórias evidenciaram que as ERP possuem duas escalas (Habilidades de Resolução de Problemas (HRP) e Orientação em Relação ao Problema (ORP)) com consistência interna satisfatória. As ERP foram utilizadas em um estudo (Capítulo 2) que teve como objetivo comparar as habilidades de RP de estudantes (N = 91) de escolas tradicionais e montessorianas, sendo que, no último caso, considerou-se a fidelidade de implementação (Montessori Clássico ou Montessori Suplementar), além de variáveis demográficas e educacionais. Não foram obtidas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os alunos dos dois tipos de escolas pesquisadas. ORP não se associou às variáveis demográficas e educacionais investigadas e, ao classificar HRP em níveis (baixo, médio e alto), observou-se um escore mais elevado de alunas com níveis médios. Com o objetivo de analisar os efeitos de um processo de educação matemática baseado em princípios do MM no desenvolvimento de habilidades de RP, conduziu-se um quase experimento (Capítulo 3) com alunos de quarto e quinto anos do Ensino Fundamental (N = 18). Após serem subdivididos em Grupo Montessori (GM) e Grupo Ensino Tradicional (GET), eles participaram de um processo de educação matemática. As ERP foram aplicadas pré e pós-educação matemática. Foram observados ganhos tanto em HRP quanto em ORP, ainda que limitados, no GM. Todavia, GM e GET não 5 diferiram quanto ao desempenho em matemática. É possível afirmar que, apesar de outras pesquisas serem necessárias para obter mais evidências de validade e estimar sua fidedignidade, as ERP possuem propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias. Também há evidências de que o MM pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de RP. Porém, no último caso, também são necessárias mais evidências empíricas, especialmente aquelas obtidas em salas de aula e não em experimentos. Desenvolver as habilidades de RP dos discentes é fundamental, pois elas são essenciais tanto no processo de ensino-aprendizagem quanto na vida.

Language: Portuguese

Published: Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2017


Montessori Developmental Principles to Support the Needs of the Elderly

Available from: Association Montessori Internationale

Publication: AMI Journal (2013-), vol. 2020

Pages: 306-309

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori therapy, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Language: English

ISSN: 2215-1249, 2772-7319


The Role of Developmental Education in a Changing World


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Abstract/Notes: Paper presented at the 2nd Montessori Study Conference, Washington, D.C., July 1966.

Language: English

Published: Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Association Montessori Internationale, 1970

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