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693 results


✓ Peer Reviewed

La difusió actual de l'aplicació escolar de la pedagogia Montessori a Catalunya / The current diffusion of the application of the Montessori method in schools in Catalonia / La difusión actual de la aplicación escolar de la pedagogía Montessori en Cataluña

Available from: Universitat de Barcelona

Publication: REIRE: Revista d'Innovació i Recerca en Educació, vol. 16, no. 2

Pages: Article 40985

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Abstract/Notes: This paper presents an updated list of schools that report applying the Montessori method in Catalonia. To introduce the study, the paper recalls the historical background to the arrival and the development of the Montessori method in region, a process abruptly interrupted by the civil war. After providing the historical context, the paper presents the results of an empirical survey that, based on different sources, identifies the Montessori schools in Catalonia and estimates the number of pupils who have studied there in recent years. The survey identifies 22 Montessori schools, of which: a) five are affiliated to the AME (the Spanish Montessori Association); b) 13 that are not affiliated, but have Montessori-trained teachers and appear to have chosen an exclusively or predominantly Montessori education; and c) four that have opted for a Montessori education integrated with other educational approaches. The study suggests the need to continue monitoring the development, quality and effectiveness of the application of the Montessori method in Catalonia, in order to promote an educational philosophy which underwent a significant development here and which, today, is experiencing a renewal. / Aquest article té l’objectiu d’oferir una llista actualitzada de centres que constaten aplicar la pedagogia Montessori a Catalunya. Per introduir l’estudi, es recorren les principals etapes històriques de l’arribada de la pedagogia Montessori al territori català i el seu desenvolupament, bruscament interromput per la Guerra Civil. Després d’una contextualització històrica, es presenten els resultats d’una enquesta empírica que, a partir de diferents fonts, identifica els centres Montessori del territori i estima el nombre d’alumnes que hi van finalitzar els seus estudis en els darrers anys. L’enquesta identifica 22 centres educatius Montessori, dels quals: a) 5 estan afiliats a l’AME (Associació Montessori Espanyola); b) 13 no hi estan afiliats, però tenen professorat amb formació Montessori i semblen haver triat una educació exclusivament o predominantment Montessori; c) 4 han optat per una educació Montessori integrada amb altres enfocaments educatius. L’estudi suggereix la necessitat de continuar observant el desenvolupament, la qualitat i l’eficàcia de l’aplicació de l’educació Montessori a Catalunya, per valorar un moviment pedagògic que ha viscut un moment molt important del seu desenvolupament en aquesta terra i que, avui dia, està vivint una vitalitat renovada. / Este artículo tiene el objetivo de ofrecer una lista actualizada de centros que constatan aplicar la pedagogía Montessori en Cataluña. Para introducir el estudio, se recorren las principales etapas históricas de la llegada de la pedagogía Montessori al territorio catalán y su desarrollo bruscamente interrumpido por la guerra civil. Después de una contextualización histórica, se presentan los resultados de una encuesta empírica que, a partir de diferentes fuentes, identifica los centros Montessori del territorio y estima el número de alumnos que finalizaron sus estudios en los últimos años en dichos centros. La encuesta identifica 22 centros educativos Montessori, de los cuales: a) cinco están afiliados al AME (Asociación Montessori Española); b) 13 no están afiliados, pero tienen profesorado con formación Montessori y parecen haber elegido una educación exclusiva o predominantemente Montessori; y c) cuatro han optado por una educación Montessori integrada con otros enfoques educativos. El estudio sugiere la necesidad de seguir monitorizando el desarrollo, la calidad y la eficacia de la aplicación de la educación Montessori en Cataluña, para valorizar un movimiento pedagógico que ha vivido un momento muy importante de su desarrollo en Cataluña y que, hoy en día, está viviendo una vitalidad renovada.

Language: Catalan

DOI: 10.1344/reire.40985

ISSN: 2013-2255


Montessori Versus Orthodox: A Study to Determine the Relative Improvement of the Preschool Child with Brain Damage, Trained by One of the Two Methods

Publication: Communications (Association Montessori Internationale, 195?-2008), vol. 1966, no. 4

Pages: 38-39

Brain-damaged children, Children with disabilities, Inclusive education, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English

ISSN: 0519-0959

Bachelor's Thesis

Ohjaajan rooli montessoripäiväkodissa [The role of the instructor in the Montessori kindergarten]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

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Abstract/Notes: Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millainen ohjaajan rooli on montessoripäiväkodissa ja mitkä tekijät siihen vaikuttavat. Lisäksi tutkittiin, millainen merkitys ohjaajan roolilla on lapsilähtöisyyteen sekä lapsen osallisuuden edistämiseen. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös ohjaajan toimintaa montessoriympäristössä. Toimeksiantajana toimi kuopiolainen Pumpputorin päiväkoti, joka toteuttaa montessoripedagogiikkaa 3–6-vuotiaille lapsille. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena, jossa tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua ja havainnointia. Teemahaastattelu toteutettiin parihaastatteluna. Kohderyhmäksi valittiin neljä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa, joista kaksi on lisäksi suorittanut montessoriohjaajakoulutuksen. Haastattelun teemoina olivat lapsilähtöisyys, lasten osallisuuden edistäminen sekä montessoriympäristön vaikutus ohjaajan rooliin. Havainnointi suoritettiin päiväkodilla havainnoimalla ohjaajien vuorovaikutusta lapsiryhmässä. Havainnoinnin kohteena oli ohjaajien toiminta montessoriympäristössä, ohjaajien vuorovaikutus lasten kanssa sekä ohjaajien keskinäinen vuorovaikutus. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysilla. Tutkimusaineiston perusteella saatiin selville, että montessoripäiväkodissa ohjaus on lapsilähtöistä ja lapsi on toiminnan keskiössä. Ohjaaja toimii päiväkodissa roolimallina lapselle ja opettaa hänelle monipuolisesti erilaisia taitoja, joita lapsi tarvitsee elämässään. Montessoriympäristössä materiaalit ovat lapsen saatavilla, mikä tukee lapsen osallisuutta ja itseohjautuvuutta. Lapselle on tarjolla hänen herkkyyskauteensa sopivaa toimintaa, ja lapsi voi valita mieluisan tekemisen oman kiinnostuksensa perusteella. Tavoitteena on, ettei lapsi enää lopulta tarvitse ohjaajan apua. Ohjaaja antaa lapselle aikaa ajatella ja tehdä itse sekä auttaa lasta oppimaan itseohjautuvaa työskentelyä ja ongelmanratkaisutaitoja. Ohjaajien tehtävä on kasvattaa lapsesta omatoiminen yksilö, joka kunnioittaa toisia ihmisiä. Tutkimuksen tuloksista nousi esille, että ohjaaja on kuitenkin aina lähellä, läsnä ja saatavilla, kun lapsi tarvitsee hänen apuaan.

Language: Finnish

Published: Kuopio, Finland, 2020


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Level of School Readiness of Five-year-olds within the Area of Social Development in View of the Pedagogic Principles of Maria Montessori – an Analysis Report

Available from: INFONA - Portal Komunikacji Naukowej

Publication: Journal of Preschool and Elementary School Education, vol. 4

Pages: 81-97

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Readiness for school, Social development

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Abstract/Notes: Children of kindergarten age develop very quickly. With proper stimuli, they should reach the appropriate level of school readiness around the age of six. The subject of the study carried out in one of Cracow’s kindergartens was to determine the level of school readiness in terms of social development. Tests were carried out among five-year-olds attending a kindergarten based on the pedagogic principles of Maria Montessori. The author wished to know what social skills were developed by the children within the context of an alternative method of interaction. The test group included 22 children from four mixed-age groups. The school readiness evaluation was carried out twice in the school year 2012/13, with the use of the categorised observation technique. The results show that within one year’s time of preparation for school the children made significant progress, but – due to their age and biological development – not all the required skills were shaped at the highest possible level. In the second test only 13.6% children obtained the highest grade in all the test indicators. More than 78% children obtained the high or medium level, which means that the skills tested have not been fully shaped. Children need more time for improving and reinforcing these skills. Social and emotional development is strictly related to the process of growing up. Therefore, certain skills cannot be shaped faster. These include an adequate reaction to new situations, overcoming difficulties, as well as performing and planning tasks on one’s own. The test results confirm that the Montessori educational context faclitates the shaping of such skills as independence of action, making good contacts with adults and peers, or preparing and tidying up the workplace. It was a partial and pilot study.

Language: English

ISSN: 2084-7998


The Freeing of 'Otello the Terrible': A Montessori Story Embodying the Great Italian Teacher's Basic Message to American Mothers - 'Free Your Child'

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Delineator, vol. 83, no. 4

Pages: 14

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Language: English


Early Education: The Kindergarten; The House of Childhood; The 'Exceptional Home'

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: Kindergarten Review, vol. 24, no. 5

Pages: 271-283

Friedrich Fröbel - Philosophy, Kindergarten (Froebel system of education) - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Language: English


✓ Peer Reviewed

La función y el papel desempeñado por la maestra en la obra de Montessori [The role and the function of the teacher in Montessori works]

Available from: Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação

Publication: Revista História da Educação, vol. 14, no. 32

Pages: 31-51

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Teachers

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Abstract/Notes: A função da professora constitui um aspecto fundamental dentro do sistema teórico montessoriano. De fato, Montessori atribui à professora um papel muito delicado: facilitar o correto crescimento da criança “pai do homem”. É por isto que o papel e a função da professora montessoriana devem responder aos pontos fortes de sua teoria educativa: a necessidade de que haja uma forte idéia de escola, a necessidade de diferenciar o momento teórico do momento prático e o papel desempenhado pelo desempenho científico da professora; o respeito que ambos devem ter com a criança (nem a professora nem a ciência podem fixar a priori os resultados de cada criança: potencialmente a excelência é para todos); o xeque a qualquer pretensão de neutralidade/objetividade: quando a relação é com seres humanos é sem sentido pensar que existam técnicos capazes de transmitir conceitos de maneira asséptica. Como dito anteriormente, a professora em Montessori se pode definir como um técnico, no sentido de que não é o científico a que lê corresponde a elaboração teórica senão técnico. Um técnico que não é nem neutro nem asséptico e cuja humanidade se colocará em um primeiro plano para que possa levar a cabo seu próprio trabalho o melhor possível. [The function of the teacher constitutes a fundamental aspect inside Montessori's system of thought. She offers to teacher a very delicate role, that of helping the right growth of child as "man's father". For this reason the role and the function of Montessori teacher must correspond to the principle points of her educative theory, that is to say: the necessity to have a strong idea of school; the need of clearly separating the practical moment (teacher) from the theoretical one (scientist); the respect due to the child both by scientist and teacher (neither teacher nor scientist can pre-established the results of the single child: potentially everyone can become an excellent pupil); the defeat of the idea of neutrality/absolute objectivity, that is to say that when you deal with human being you cannot pretend to transmit notions in a neutral way. Starting from this assumptions Montessori teacher can be certainly defined a technician, but she is a new kind of technician, because she isn't neutral, but on the contrary her humanity is in the foreground so that she can become an excellent teacher. / La función de la maestra constituye un aspecto fundamental dentro del sistema teórico montessoriano. De hecho, Montessori le atribuye a la maestra un papel muy delicado: facilitar el correcto crecimiento del niño "padre del hombre". Es por esto que el papel y la función de la maestra montessoriana deben responder a los puntos de fuerza de su teoría educativa: la necesidad de que haya una fuerte idea de escuela; la necesidad de diferenciar el momento teórico del momento práctico y el papel desempeñado por el científico del desempeñado por la maestra; el respeto que ambos deben tener del niño (ni la maestra ni el científico pueden fijar a priori los resultados de cada niño: potencialmente la excelencia es para todos); el jaque mate a cualquier pretensión de neutralidad/objetividad: cuando la relación es con seres humanos es un sinsentido pensar que existan técnicos capaces de traspasar nociones de manera aséptica. Según cuanto dicho anteriormente, la maestra en Montessori se puede definir como un técnico, en el sentido de que no es el científico al que le corresponde la elaboración teórica sino un técnico. Un técnico que no es para nada ni neutro ni aséptico y cuya humanidad se colocará en un primer plano para que pueda llevar a cabo su propio trabajo lo mejor posible.]

Language: Portuguese

ISSN: 2236-3459


Questions and Answers: Questions relating to the development of the social life in the school

Available from: Atlante Montessori

Publication: The Call of Education / L'Appel de l'Éducation / La chiamata dell'Educazione: Psycho-pedagogical Journal (International Organ of the Montessori Movement), vol. 1, no. 1

Pages: 62-65

Maria Montessori - Writings

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Abstract/Notes: Questions answered by Maria Montessori.

Language: English

Book Section

Gli albori dell'era nuova: Maria Montessori e il movimento progressista in Europa [The dawn of the new era: Maria Montessori and the progressive movement in Europe]

Book Title: Storia dell'educazione occidentale [History of Western Education]

Pages: 431-443

Eastern Europe, Europe, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - History, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe

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Language: Italian

Published: Milano, Italy: Mondadori, 1983

Volume: 3


Sowing the Seeds of the Sciences: Our Gift to the Future

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 13, no. 2

Pages: 26–32

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734

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