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✓ Peer Reviewed

Analyzing the Selected Eurofit Test Batteries of the Children with Down Syndrome and Autism in the Age Range of 12-16 and Receiving Montessori Education

Available from: ERIC

Publication: African Educational Research Journal, vol. 10, no. 4

Pages: 439-446

Autism in children, Children with disabilities, Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Secondary education

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Abstract/Notes: It is aimed in this study to analyze the effects of the Montessori education method on children with Down syndrome and autism having special training who have received and not received Montessori education through the Eurofit test batteries selected for motor skills and physical fitness. A total of 20 male children with Down syndrome and autism in the age range of 12 to 16 and receiving and not receiving Montessori education at two different special education and rehabilitation centers in Kayseri were included in the study. The treatment group included a total of 10 children, 5 with Down syndrome and 5 with autism, and the control group of 10 children, 5 with Down syndrome and 5 with autism. While the volunteers included in the treatment group received Montessori education, those included in the control group received a traditional education. In the study, the volunteers performed the selected Eurofit tests including flamingo balance, plate tapping, sit and reach, handgrip and standing long jump tests. When the results of the Eurofit test batteries of the treatment and control groups were examined, plate tapping and standing long jump test results were found significant in the comparison of the pretest and posttest of the treatment group (p < 0.05). In the pretest and posttest comparison of the control group students, a significant difference was determined in the sit and reach test (p < 0.05). In the posttest comparison of the control and treatment groups, a statistically significant difference was determined between the pretest and posttest measurements of the plate tapping and between the pretest and posttest measurements of the standing long jump (p < 0.05). In the pretest comparison of the control and treatment groups, no statistically significant difference was found between the pretest and posttest of flamingo balance, pretest and posttest of plate tapping, pretest and posttest of sit and reach, pretest and posttest of standing long jump and pretest and posttest of handgrip measurements of the control and treatment groups (p > 0.05). Consequently, the use of Montessori education materials supports the big and small muscle groups of children with disabilities since most of them learn about an object through touch. In our study, when some activity and motor skills of the children with down syndrome and autism in the special rehabilitation school that uses the Montessori education method were analyzed, it was observed that there was an improvement in their physical activities and some motor skills according to the results of plate tapping, standing long jump and sit and reach tests. It is recommended that education programs can be prepared by using Montessori Approach as part of the education programs applied in preschool education institutions and that they can be used more widely together with traditional education programs.

Language: English

DOI: 10.30918/AERJ.104.22.074

ISSN: 2354-2160


Montessori Education Today and Yesterday

Publication: Education Digest, vol. 28, no. 6

Pages: 40

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Language: English

ISSN: 0013-127X


Pedagogika Montessori [Montessori Education]

Publication: Zdrav vrtec [Healthy Kindergarten], no. 6

Pages: 36-38

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Language: Slovenian

ISSN: 1318-9115


Facilitating Parent Education

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 8, no. 4

Pages: 28–30

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


The Uganda Montessori Peace Education Initiative [Victoria Montessori School, Entebbe]

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 18, no. 3

Pages: 12

Africa, East Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040

Book Section

The Liberty of the Child in Education [Chapter 3]

Available from: HathiTrust

Book Title: Problems of Reconstruction: Lectures and Addresses Delivered at the Summer Meeting at the Hampstead Garden Suburb, August, 1917

Pages: 121-130

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Language: English

Published: London: T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., 1918


✓ Peer Reviewed

The Confirmation of Montessori Postulates in Contemporary Educational Neuroscience / Potvrde postulata Montessori pedagogije u suvremenoj obrazovnoj neuroznanosti

Available from: University of Zagreb

Publication: Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, vol. 22, no. 4

Croatia, Europe, Neuroscience, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: This paper lends insight into the fundamental postulates of Montessori pedagogyand definitions of contemporary educational neuroscience, focusing on the needsand solutions of contemporary didactic approaches. By presenting the results ofcontemporary researches, the paper connects the achievements of Montessoripedagogic methods and strategies with the scientific indicators of educationalneuroscience about the manners of positive impact on the development of anindividual. The results of the educational neuroscience research will corroborate thepostulates of Montessori pedagogy that state that understanding the developmentalstages of upbringing, individual competences, and specificities of each child areimportant for upbringing. Specific cases will be used to emphasize that, apartfrom the cognitive competence, it is essential to develop psychomotor and affectivecompetences, meaning that the development of these personality spheres isconnected and interdependent. By providing the pedagogic perspective, the paperpoints to the need for further deliberation on how to shape an optimal curriculum.The paper suggests that various social and technological changes are reasons toconsider pedagogic methods, strategies, and approaches of Montessori, which is alsosupported and substantiated by contemporary educational neuroscience.Key words: didactics; Montessori pedagogy; neurodidactics; neuroscience. - U ovom radu daje se uvid u osnovne postulate Montessori pedagogije i definicijesuvremene obrazovne neuroznanosti, orijentirajući se prema potrebama i rješenjimaza suvremene didaktičke pristupe. Prikazom rezultata suvremenih istraživanja radpovezuje dostignuća Montessori pedagoških metoda i strategija sa znanstvenimpokazateljima obrazovne neuroznanosti o načinima pozitivnoga utjecaja na razvojpojedinca. Rezultati istraživanja obrazovne neuroznanosti potkrijepit će postulateMontessori pedagogije da je za odgojni pristup važno razumijevanje razvojnih fazaodrastanja, individualnosti kompetencija i specifičnosti odgajanika. Specifičnimprimjerima naglasit će se da je uz kognitivne, bitno razvijati psihomotorne iafektivne kompetencije, odnosno da je razvoj ovih sfera ličnosti povezan imeđuovisan. Ponuđenom pedagoškom perspektivom rad ukazuje na potrebudaljnjega razmatranja kako pristupiti oblikovanju optimalnih kurikula. U radu sesugerira da je upravo zbog različitih društvenih i tehnoloških promjena potrebnorazmišljati o pedagoškim metodama, strategijama i pristupima Montessoripedagogije, što podržava i potkrepljuje suvremena obrazovna neuroznanost.Ključne riječi: didaktika; Montessori pedagogija; neurodidaktika; neuroznanost.

Language: English

DOI: 10.15516/cje.v22i4.3751

ISSN: 1848-5189, 1848-5197


Montessori for the Disadvantaged: An Application of Montessori Educational Principles to the War on Poverty

African American community, African Americans, Americas, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Putnam's sons, 1967


Report of the Conference on New Ideals in Education held at Bedford College, N.W.1 from August 14 to 21, 1917

Available from: HathiTrust

Conference on New Ideals in Education (1917: Bedford College, London, England), Conferences, England, Europe, Great Britain, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., New Education Fellowship, New Ideals in Education, Northern Europe, United Kingdom

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Language: English

Published: London, England: Women's Printing Society, 1917

Series: Conference on New Ideals in Education , 4

Volume: 4


From Montessori Education UK

Publication: Montessori Society Review, vol. 15

Pages: 5

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Language: English

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