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1553 results


XVIII. internacionális Montessori-kurzus Barcelonában [18th International Montessori Course, Barcelona]

Available from: Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár

Publication: Kisdednevelés, vol. 59, no. 1

Pages: 9-12

Conferences, International Montessori Training Course (18th, Barcelona, Spain, 1934), Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Teacher training, Teacher training

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Language: Hungarian


International Montessori News: The Montessori Training College, Craneswood, Cranleigh, Surrey [England]

Publication: The Montessori Magazine: A Quarterly Journal for Teachers, Parents and Social Workers (India), vol. 1, no. 4

Pages: 63-64

Claude Albert Claremont - Writings, England, Europe, Great Britain, Montessori method of education - Study and teaching, Montessori method of education - Teacher training, Northern Europe, Teacher training, United Kingdom

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Language: English


Muzikinis vaikų ugdymas M. Montessori sistemoje / Musical training of children according to M. Montessori system

Publication: Pedagogika: mokslo darbai (Vilnius), vol. 63

Pages: 38–42

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Abstract/Notes: The essential features of musical training according to M. Montessori in Lithuanian preschools have been analysed in the work. The work is revealing the essential features of musical training, their importance in the children's musical development. 72 teachers, working in Lithuanian Montessori preschools participated in the research work...

Language: Lithuanian

ISSN: 1392-0340


De la pédagogie Montessori aux inspirations montessoriennes: Réflexion sur la question des emprunts pédagogiques partiels dans les pratiques enseignantes [From Montessori pedagogy to Montessori inspirations: Reflection on the question of partial pedagogical borrowing in teaching practices]

Available from: CAIRN

Publication: Spécificités, vol. 12, no. 1

Pages: 31-55

Education - Study and teaching, Europe, France, Montessori method of education - Teachers, Teachers, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Un nombre important d’enseignant(e)s de l’école maternelle remettent actuellement en cause ses modalités pédagogiques habituelles en instillant dans leur pratique des éléments issus de la pédagogie Montessori. Qu’il s’agisse de l’organisation spatiale, du matériel, des usages du temps, ou du rôle de l’adulte, ces pratiques « d’inspiration montessorienne » s’avèrent très hétérogènes et plus ou moins orthodoxe. Cet article cherche à les catégoriser en distinguant des pratiques relevant d’un faible ou d’un fort engagement montessorien. Dans les deux cas, il s’agit aussi de mettre au jour d’inexorables limites à l’importation de la pédagogie Montessori au sein de l’école maternelle publique, du fait des programmes et du cadrage institutionnel. L’ensemble du raisonnement est l’occasion d’une réflexion sur l es emprunts pédagogiques partiels, lorsque des éléments d’une pédagogie sont repris sans forcément l’ensemble de ses principes fondateurs. [A significant number of french preschool teachers are currently changing their usual pedagogical methods by instilling elements from Montessori pedagogy into their practice. Concerning spatial organization, pedagogical material, uses of time, or adult’s role, these practices are very heterogeneous and more or less orthodox. This article seeks to categorize them by distinguishing practices within a weak or strong Montessori commitment. In both cases, it’s also a question of inexorable limits to the importation of Montessori pedagogy into public french preschool, due to programmes and institutional framework. This whole reasoning is an opportunity for reflection on partial pedagogical loans, when elements of a pedagogy are taken up without necessarily all its founding principles.]

Language: French

DOI: 10.3917/spec.012.0031

ISSN: 2256-7186, 2426-6272


✓ Peer Reviewed

Montessori per i piccoli da 0 a 3 anni / Montessori para niños de 0 a 3 años / Montessori for babies from 0 to 3 years

Available from: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Publication: RELAdEI (Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Infantil), vol. 3, no. 3

Pages: 67-73

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Abstract/Notes: En el movimiento Montessori hay un área específica en el niño y la primera infancia, que en sus orígenes y en su investigación es poco conocido incluso en el interior. La más pequeña, la palabra-no (los bebés, de hecho) están en todas partes infravalorados. Es difícil de morir el prejuicio de que son poco más que un tracto digestivo o una fuente de incomodidad, de caprichos incomprensibles y exige que los padres modernos son cada vez menos dispuestos a cumplir. Montessori lugar ya a principios del siglo XX se ha puesto de manifiesto la riqueza de los recién nacidos, y el extraordinario potencial de auto-propietaria, la recepción sensorial aguda, no postergar la necesidad de estabilidad, continuidad en los informes y los ritmos diarios: ternura y calma, calidez y capacidad de agarrar, señalando con respecto a sus reacciones, necesidades que a menudo, aunque similar a otros compañeros, se revela como absolutamente personal.

Language: Italian

ISSN: 2255-0666

Doctoral Dissertation

How "Montessorian" Are the Montessori Schools? A Study of Selected "Montessori" Schools with Respect to Their Adherence to the Montessori Tradition.

Available from: ProQuest - Dissertations and Theses

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Language: English

Published: New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1975

Undergraduate Thesis

Pengembangan Desain Mainan Balok Montessori untuk Usia 3-6 Tahun Berkonsep Multiplayer (Studi Kasus: Albata Islamic Montessori Preschool) [Design Development of Montessori Block Toys for Ages 3-6 Years with Multiplayer Concept (Case Study: Albata Islamic Montessori Preschool)]

Available from: Universitas Dinamika (Indonesia) - Institutional Repository

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Islamic Montessori method of education, Islamic education, Montessori method of education, Religious education, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Perkembangan pada anak salah satunya adalah perkembangan motorik halus. Penguasaan motorik halus adalah salah satu yang penting bagi anak khususnya usia 3-6 tahun. Namun, tidak semua anak mempunyai kematangan yang sama untuk menguasai kemampuan motorik halus pada tahap yang sama. Perkembangan motorik halus pada anak salah satunya dipengaruhi faktor eksternal yaitu lingkungan. Metode pembelajaran Montessori merupakan salah satu metode yang mementingkan penyediaan lingkungan yang sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak. Penyediaan lingkungan yang sesuai diwujudkan melalui berdirinya sekolah-sekolah dengan metode pembelajaran Montessori, termasuk Albata Islamic Montessori Preschool. Bedanya, kelas di sekolah yang menggunakan Metode pembelajaran Montessori tidak mengelompokkan anak berdasarkan umur agar anak bisa saling mengajarkan dan bersosialisasi dengan baik, membentuk jiwa kepemimpinan anak, tanggung jawab dan kemandirian. Selain itu dalam metode ini, digunakan alat permainan edukatif yang sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan anak. Berdasarkan penjelasan diatas, dibutuhkan sarana pembelajaran motorik halus berupa mainan montessori yang dapat dimainkan anak usia 3-6 tahun secara bersama-sama atau multiplayer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, data bersumber dari observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Salah satu mainan Montessori yang umum digunakan untuk melatih motorik halus adalah mainan balok. Perbedaan mainan balok yang dikembangkan peneliti dibanding penelitian serupa sebelumnya yaitu dalam segi fungsi dan cara bermain. Sementara material menggunakan kayu dengan finishing yang menyesuaikan fungsi yaitu HPL putih glossy digunakan untuk menggambar, menulis pada permukaan balok. Hasil penelitian berupa Mainan Balok Montessori multiplayer yang memiliki nilai kebaruan dari segi fungsi yaitu digunakan untuk melatih motorik halus khususnya aktifitas yang bersifat practical life dan dari segi cara bermain menggunakan konsep multiplayer yang sesuai dengan perkembangan psikologis usia 3-6 tahun.

Language: Indonesian

Published: Surabaya, Indonesia, 2022

Doctoral Dissertation

Montessori anne destek eğitim programının; Montessori eğitimi alan 4-5 yaş çocukların matematik ve günlük yaşam becerilerine etkilerinin incelenmesi / Mother Support of Montessori Education Program: Montessori Education Area Children Ages 4-5, Investigation of Effect of Mathematıcs and Daily Life Skills

Available from: Selçuk University (Turkey)

Asia, Middle East, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Parent participation, Practical life exercises, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Bu araştırma Montessori eğitim yöntemi ile okulöncesi eğitim alan ve anneleri "Montessori Anne Destek Programı"na katılmış deney grubu çocuklar ile "Pür Montessori" eğitimi alan 4-5 yaş kontrol grubu çocukların matematik ve günlük yaşam becerilerine etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Çalışma grubunda, 2016-2017 öğretim yılında Konya ilinde bulunan Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, İhsan Doğramacı Uygulama Anaokuluna devam eden Montessori yöntemi ile okulöncesi eğitim alan, 8 deney, 11 kontrol olmak üzere toplam19 çocuk yer almıştır. Araştırmada deney ve kontrol gruplarından veri toplama aracı olarak Temel Okul Becerileri Envanteri Matematik ve Günlük Yaşam Becerileri alt Testi Uygulanmıştır. Testler çocuklara öğretmenleri tarafından deneme öncesi ve sonrası uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca deneme grubuna eğitim programı bittikten 12 hafta sonra tekrar uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin analizinde Mann Whitney U ve Wilcoxon İşaretli Sıralar Testi uygulanmıştır. İncelenen bulgular deneme ve kontrol grubu arasında sontest puan ortalamaları arasındaMatematik de deneme grubu lehine anlamlı bir farklılaşma görülmüştür. Günlük Yaşam Becerileri sontest değerlendirmelerinde ise bir farklılaşma bulunamamıştır. Deneme grubu çocukların TOBEMAT ve TOBEGYBAT testi sontest ve izleme testi puan ortalamaları arasında anlamlı bir farklılaşma olmamıştır. / This research aimed to investigate the effects of Montessori education method on the mathematics and daily life skills of the children who took the preschool education and the mothers of the experimental group participated in the "Montessori Mother Support Program" and the children of the control group of 4-5 age "Pure Montessori". In the study group, 19th Montessori method, which took place in Selcuk University, Faculty of Health Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Application Nursing School, located in Konya province in the 2016-2017 school year, took place. The Basic School Skills Inventory Mathematics and Daily Life Skills Sub-Test was applied as a data collection tool in the study. Tests were administered to children before and after the test by their teachers. In addition, the experimental group was reapplied 12 weeks after the end of the training program. Mann Whitney U and Wilcoxon Marked Ranks Test were applied in the analysis of the data obtained in the research. A significant difference was found in the mean scores of the post test scores between the findings and control groups examined in favor of the experimental group in Mathematics. In Daily Life Skills posttest evaluations, no differentiation was found. There was no significant difference between the BSSI-MAT and BSSI-DLS test posttest and follow-up test scores of the children in the experimental group.

Language: Turkish

Published: Konya, Turkey, 2018

Doctoral Dissertation

Montessori e a mídia contemporânea: análise discursiva de textos midiáticos estadunidenses sobre o método Montessori publicados entre 2000 e 2015 [Montessori and the contemporary media: a discursive analysis of american media texts about the Montessori method published between 2000 and 2015]

Available from: Universidade de São Paulo

Americas, Montessori method of education, North America, United States of America

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Abstract/Notes: O método Montessori, como se convencionou chamar a perspectiva pedagógica derivada do trabalho de Maria Montessori (1870-1952), foi desenvolvido, principalmente, ao longo da primeira metade do século XX. Até hoje, no entanto, há escolas, publicações e cursos para professores sendo criados em todo o mundo. Desde o início de sua história, a pedagogia montessoriana aparece frequentemente na mídia de vários países do mundo, e, em alguns momentos da história, representou tanto um fenômeno midiático quanto editorial (KRAMER, 1988). Esta pesquisa trabalhou com um arquivo de textos midiáticos, publicados desde 1911 nos Estados Unidos da América e dedicou-se à análise e à interpretação de um corpus de textos da mesma natureza. Uma ênfase da análise foi dada aos textos publicados entre os anos 2000 e 2015. O aporte teórico das análises e das reflexões expostas aqui é a Análise de Discurso filiada aos estudos do inconsciente e da ideologia, iniciada na França, por Michel Pêcheux, e desenvolvida e ampliada no Brasil por autoras como Eni Orlandi. A história da perspectiva pedagógica de que tratamos já foi explorada antes por diversos autores (STANDING, 1962; KRAMER, 1988; POVELL, 2010, entre outros), mas poucos tangenciaram o trabalho da mídia quanto a essa pedagogia, embora mencionem a importância desta mesma instância de produção, e nenhuma das publicações emprega a perspectiva discursiva, que pode oferecer outros pontos de vista e permite a interlocução de diversas áreas de estudo. Os resultados obtidos com esta pesquisa apontam para uma direção previsível e duas bifurcações importantes desta. Em primeiro lugar, como propõe a teoria da Análise de Discurso, a produção discursiva é atravessada pela ideologia, e, assim, os textos com que trabalhamos fazem parte de um conjunto de sentidos e proposições que harmonizam com o verdadeiro, como operado pela ideologia dominante. Isso tem duas consequências específicas para este corpus. Por um lado, os sentidos que caracterizam o método Montessori são vinculados a valores não estranhos ao neoliberalismo e ao discurso empreendedor: fala-se muito de diversão, e, ao mesmo tempo, de alto desempenho, liberdade, sucesso, escolha individual e liderança. Por outro lado, há uma contradição muito presente entre caracterizar-se Montessori como uma pedagogia alternativa e dizer-se que Montessori é só uma via diversa para se alcançar os mesmos fins: alto desempenho acadêmico e sucesso financeiro. Em segundo lugar, notamos a proeminência do ponto de vista adulto sobre o possível ponto de vista infantil. Os textos, especialmente a partir de 2011, fazem sentido, com frequência, construindo as vantagens que a pedagogia montessoriana representa para o adulto, segundo uma perspectiva corporativa ou empreendedora. Por meio de nossa análise, pudemos caracterizar a configuração do discurso midiático sobre o método Montessori nos Estados Unidos e compreender como os sentidos se articulam para fazer de Montessori uma perspectiva válida e positiva, ao mesmo tempo, silenciando os sentidos que, ligados a ela, poderiam ser desarmônicos e, até mesmo, arriscados para a hegemonia do verdadeiro sobre a criança e sobre a educação. [The Montessori method, as the pedagogical perspective derived from the work of Maria Montessori (1870-1952) is usually called, was developed mainly during the first half of the twentieth century. To this day, however, there are schools, publications and courses for teachers being created around the world. From the beginning of its history, Montessori pedagogy has frequently appeared in the media of several countries, and at some moments in history has represented both a mediatic and editorial phenomenon (KRAMER, 1988). This research relies on an archive of media texts published since 1911 in the United States of America and is focused on the analysis and interpretation of a corpus of texts of the same nature. Emphasis was given to those texts published between the years 2000 and 2015. The theoretical foundation for the analyzes and reflections exposed here is the Discourse Analysis affiliated to the studies of the unconscious and the ideology, initiated in France by Michel Pêcheux, and developed and expanded in Brazil by authors such as Eni Orlandi. The history of the pedagogical perspective that we have dealt with has already been explored by several authors (STANDING, 1962, KRAMER, 1988, POVELL, 2010 and others), but few have touched on the work of the media in relation to this pedagogy, although they recognize its relevance, and none of the publications adopts the discursive perspective, which can offer other points of view, allowing the interlocution with several areas of study. The results obtained with this research point to a predictable direction, and two important and novel bifurcations. First, as the theory of discourse analysis proposes, discursive production is traversed by ideology, and thus the texts we work with are part of a set of meanings and propositions that harmonize with the truth, as operated by the dominant ideology. This, in turn, has two specific consequences for this corpus. On the one hand, the meanings that characterize the Montessori method are linked to values not unfamiliar to neoliberalism and entrepreneurial discourse: much is said of fun, and at the same time high performance, freedom, and success, individual choice, and leadership. There is a very present contradiction between characterizing Montessori as an alternative pedagogy and saying that Montessori is only an alternative way to achieve the same ends: high academic performance and financial success. Secondly, we notice the prominence of the adult point of view over the possible infantile one. The texts, especially as of 2011, often make sense from the advantages that the Montessori pedagogy represents for the adult, from a corporate or entrepreneurial perspective. Through our analysis, we have been able to characterize the configuration of the media discourse on the Montessori method in the United States and to understand how the senses are articulated to make Montessori a valid and positive pedagogical perspective, while silencing the meanings that could, if linked to that, be disharmonious, and we would say risky, for the hegemony of the truth about the child and about education.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: São Paulo, Brazil, 2019


Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland: Rückblick - Aktualität - Zukunftsperspektiven ; 40 Jahre Montessori-Vereinigung e.V. [Montessori Pedagogy in Germany: Review - Current Issues - Future Perspectives 40 years of the Montessori Association]

Europe, Germany, Harald Ludwig - Writings, Montessori method of education - History, Western Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Der vorliegende Band 7 der Reihe mit dem Titel „Montessori-Pädagogik in Deutschland“ ist entstanden im Anschluss an die Jubiläumstagung, die aus Anlass des 40jährigen Bestehens der 1961 gegründeten Montessori-Vereinigung e.V., Sitz Aachen, 2001 in der Thomas-Morus-Akademie in Bensberg stattgefunden hat. Die Leserinnen und Leser dieses Bandes erhalten aus den vielfältigen Beiträgen ein reichhaltiges und differenziertes Bild der Montessori-Pädagogik in Theorie und Praxis in Deutschland und darüber hinaus. Denn Montessori-Pädagogik vollzieht sich seit ihren Anfängen in einem internationalen Kontext. Es geht in diesem Band nicht nur um die in den vergangenen vier Jahrzehnten geleistete Arbeit, sondern auch um die Aktualität des pädagogischen Denkens Maria Montessoris, um kritische Weiterentwicklungen und mögliche Perspektiven für die Zukunft angesichts der Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts.

Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2002

ISBN: 978-3-8258-5746-2 3-8258-5746-8

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 7

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