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985 results

Book Section

Kreativität im Alltag der Montessori-Pädagogik [Creativity in everyday life in Montessori education]

Book Title: Montessori-Pädagogik das Kind im Mittelpunkt

Pages: 48-58

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Language: German

Published: Wien, Austria: Jugend & Volk, 2020

ISBN: 978-3-7100-4362-8 3-7100-4362-X

Doctoral Dissertation

Montessori und Freud: Versuch einer Verhältnisbestimmung von Montessori-Pädagogik und pädagogisch relevanten Konzeptionen der Psychoanalyse Freudscher Tradition

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud - Philosophy

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Language: German

Published: Münster, 1980


Bericht über den Montessori Europe Kongress 2022 [Report on the Montessori Europe Congress 2022]

Publication: Montessori: Zeitschrift für Montessori-Pädagogik, vol. 61, no. 1

Pages: 168-171

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Language: German

ISSN: 0944-2537


Comparison of Teaching Method Between Fröbel and Montessori / Fröbel과 Montessori의 교수 방법 비교

Available from: RISS

Publication: 논문집 - 서라벌대학 [Journal of Seorabeol University], vol. 7

Pages: 383-402

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Language: Korean

Master's Thesis

Método “Montessori” y el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en niños de 5 años de la institución educativa No. 437 del distrito de Santo Domingo de Acobamba 2019 [“Montessori” method and the learning of literacy in 5-year-olds of the educational institution No. 437 of the Santo Domingo de Acobamba district 2019]

Available from: Universidad César Vallejo - Institutional Repository

Americas, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education, Peru, South America

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Abstract/Notes: La presente investigación plantea como problema ¿Cuál es la relación entre el método “Montessori” y el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en niños de 5 años de la institución educativa Nº 437 del distrito de Santo Domingo de Acobamba 2019? La hipótesis, existe relación entre el método “Montessori” y el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en niños de 5 años de la institución educativa Nº 437 del distrito de Santo Domingo de Acobamba 2019, el objetivo general fue determinar la relación entre el método “Montessori” y el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en niños de 5 años de la institución educativa Nº 437 del distrito de Santo Domingo de Acobamba 2019. La investigación se desarrolló de acuerdo al método científico, como método específico al descriptivo estadístico. La investigación es no experimental, y su diseño correlacional. Considera una muestra censal de 36 alumnos entre varones y mujeres de cinco años. La técnica empleada fue la encuesta, se aplicaron dos instrumentos; un cuestionario sobre el método Montessori, y un test de lectoescritura. El método “Montessori presenta tres dimensiones; etapa de conversación, pre lectura, pre escritura. La variable lectoescritura estudia las dimensiones: habilidades de lenguaje, habilidades de lectura y habilidades de escritura. Aplicado los instrumentos de investigación, se realizó el procesamiento de datos mediante la prueba t de student para muestras relacionadas La investigación permitió determinar que existe diferencia significativa (p= 0.000) según el método Montessori en el aprendizaje de la Lectoescritura pretest y el aprendizaje de la Lectoescritura postest en los niños de 5 años de la institución educativa N° 437 del distrito de Santo Domingo de Acobamba 2019. [The present research poses as a problem: What is the relationship between the “Montessori” method and the learning of literacy in 5-year-old children of the educational institution No. 437 of the district of Santo Domingo de Acobamba 2019? The hypothesis, there is a relationship between the "Montessori" method and the learning of literacy in 5-year-old children of the educational institution No. 437 of the district of Santo Domingo de Acobamba 2019, the general objective was to determine the relationship between the "Montessori" method and the learning of literacy in 5-year-old children of the educational institution No. 437 of the Santo Domingo de Acobamba district 2019. The research was developed according to the scientific method, as a specific method to the statistical descriptive. The research is non-experimental, and its design correlational. Consider a census sample of 36 five-year-old boys and girls. The technique used was the survey, two instruments were applied; a questionnaire about the Montessori method, and a literacy test. The “Montessori method has three dimensions; stage of conversation, pre reading, pre writing. The literacy variable studies the dimensions: language skills, reading skills, and writing skills. Applying the research instruments, the data processing was carried out using the student's t test for related samples The research allowed to determine that there is a significant difference (p = 0.000) according to the Montessori method in the learning of Pretest Literacy and the learning of the Post-test literacy in 5-year-old children from educational institution No. 437 of the district of Santo Domingo de Acobamba 2019.]

Language: Spanish

Published: Trujillo, Peru, 2019


✓ Peer Reviewed

Mari̇a Montessori̇ Eği̇ti̇m Metodu [Montessori Method of Education]

Available from: DergiPark Akademik

Publication: Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi / Eurasian Journal of Social and Economic Research, vol. 6, no. 12

Pages: 59-62

Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc.

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Abstract/Notes: İtalyan eğitim felsefesi uzmanı Maria Montessori 1970 yılında İtalya Ancora’da dünyaya gelmiştir. Yüzyılı aşkın süredir kullanılan Montessori eğitim sistemi Maria Montessori tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Herhangi bir sınırlamanın bulunmadığı bu eğitim sistemiyle çocuklara özgür bir eğitim sunulur. Günümüzde Montessori eğitimlerini verebilmek amacıyla İngiltere’de bulunan Uluslararası Montessori Derneği tarafından eğitmen yetiştirilmektedir. Bu eğitim anaokulu, ilkokul ve bazı ülkelerde lise seviyesine kadar çıkmaktadır. Maria Montessori 1907 yılında ilk çocukevi “Casa dei Bambini”de engelli olmayan çocuklarla çalışmalarında yaptığı gözlemlerde çocukların nelerden hoşlandıklarını ve nelerden hoşlanmadıklarını saptar. Maria Montessori çocukların: ödüllerden, cezalardan,oyuncaklardan, öğretmen masasından,toplu derslerden hoşlanmadıklarını, özgür seçimden, hatalarını kendilerin denetiminden, sessizlikten, sosyal ilişkilerini kendileri tarafından kurmasından, kitapsız okuma ve yazmadan hoşlandıklarını gözlemledi. Çocukların kendilerini birey olarak görmesinin sağlandığı Montessori eğitiminde aile, öyretmen ve öyrenci iş birliği içerisindedir. Öğrencinin öyrenme hızı doğrultusunda eğitim verilir ve bilgi akılla değil el yordamıyla öğrenilir.Soyut kavramların somut kavramlarla anlaşılması sağlanır. Montessori eğitimi emelde kişiliğin oluşumu üzerinde durmaktadır. Maria Montessori bunu açıkça şu şekilde ifade etmektedir:” Eğitimde metot değil,insan kişiliği göz önüne alınmaktadır.” [Italian pedagogue Maria Montessori was born in 1970 in Ancona, Italy. The Montessori education system, which has been used for over a century, was developed by Maria Montessori. With this education system, where there is no restriction, a free education is offered to children. Today, trainers are trained by the International Montessori Association in England in order to provide Montessori education. This education goes up to kindergarten, primary school and in some countries high school level. Maria Montessori determined what the children liked and disliked in her observations while working with non-disabled children in the first children's home “Casa dei Bambini” in 1907. Maria Montessori observed that children: they do not like rewards, punishments, toys, teacher's desk, group lessons, they like free choice, control over their mistakes, silence, establishing social relations by themselves, reading and writing without books. In Montessori education, where children see themselves as individuals, family, teacher and student are in cooperation. Education is given in line with the student's learning pace and knowledge is learned by groping, not by mind. It is ensured that abstract concepts are understood with concrete concepts. Montessori education primarily focuses on the formation of personality. Maria Montessori expresses this clearly as follows: “In education, not the method, but the human personality is taken into consideration.”]

Language: Turkish

ISSN: 2148-9963


Urgensi Pengembangan Kecerdasan Fisik Motorik Anak Usia Dini menurut Konsep Montessori [The Urgency of Early Childhood Physical Motor Intelligence Development According to the Montessori Concept]

Available from: State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau (Indonesia)

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia

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Abstract/Notes: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengembangan kecerdasan fisik motorik anak usia dini menurut konsep Montessori. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah pentingnya menegetahui pengembangan kecerdasan fisik motorik anak usia dini menurut konsep Montessori. Pengembangan fisik motorik bermanfaat untuk tumbuh kembang anak secara keseluruhan. Saat anak mampu mengkoordinasikan gerakan-gerakan otot di tubuhnya dengan optimal maka anak memiliki perkembangan kecerdasan fisik motorik yang baik. Konsep Montessori yang merupakan sebuah metode pendidikan oleh Maria Montessori. Montessori sebagai seorang ilmuwan, dokter dan juga seorang pendidik, menciptakan sebuah metode pendidikan yang memberikan kebebasan kepada anak didiknya. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Sumber data pada penelitian kepustakaan ini terdiri dari sumber primer, sekunder dan tersier. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan fisik motorik anak usia dini merupakan salah satu kecerdasan yang harus dikembangkan dalam diri anak dan konsep Montessori merupakan sebuah metode yang efektif untuk dilaksanakan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa urgensi pengembangan kecerdasan fisik motorik anak usia dini menurut konsep Montessori merupakan hal yang penting bagi pendidikan anak usia dini. Pengembangan fisik motorik anak bermanfaat untuk tumbuh kembang anak secara keseluruhan, dengan konsep Montessori pengembangan kecerdasan Fisik Motorik anak usia dini hasilnya akan optimal sesuai dengan standar tingkat pencapaian perkembangan anak.

Language: Indonesian

Published: Pekanbaru City, Indonesia, 2022

Book Section

Montessori Education and Gender: Recasting Gender in Montessori Contexts

Book Title: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education

Pages: 469-477

Gender identity, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori spaces and materials have often been framed as “gender neutral” or devoid of gendering practices, but there is a lack of research that has critically engaged with gender in Montessori contexts. This chapter explores current efforts to bring gender and sexuality into the conversation in Montessori circles. Using Maria Montessori’s feminist legacy as a springboard, the need for a sustained engagement with contemporary feminist research to complicate understandings of gender is justified. By utilizing contemporary feminist lens, the gender-neutral status of Montessori materials is ruffled and gender within Montessori practice and theory is re-thought as performative, relational, multiple, situated, and complex.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-350-27561-4 978-1-350-27560-7 978-1-350-27562-1

Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks


✓ Peer Reviewed

Kontribusi Literasi Berbasis Pendekatan Montessori terhadap Karakter Rasa Ingin Tahu Anak Usia 7 Tahun [The Contribution of Literacy Based on the Montessori Approach to the Curiosity Character of 7 Year Old Children]

Available from: Gedung A Universitas Abulyatama

Publication: Jurnal Dedikasi Pendidikan, vol. 7, no. 1

Pages: 187-200

Asia, Australasia, Curiosity in children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Indonesia, Montessori method of education, Primary education, Primary school students, Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Keprihatinan terhadap rendahnya karakter rasa ingin tahu akhir-akhir ini menjadi titik berangkat penelitian ini. Mengetahui pengaruh literasi berbasis pendekatan Montessori terhadap rasa ingin tahu anak pada usia tujuh tahun menjadi tujuan penelitian ini. Untuk itu digunakan pretest posttest non equivalent group design sebagai metode penelitian.  Sebanyak 17 anak kelas IB SD Kanisius Sorowajan Yogyakarta dilibatkan sebagai sampel untuk kelompok Montessori dan 17 anak kelas IA sebagai sampel untuk kelas kontrol. Temuan penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa program literasi berbasis pendekatan Montessori berpengaruh terhadap karakter rasa ingin tahu anak. Uji statistik menunjukkan selisih skor posttest-pretest kelompok Montessori (M = 1,0229, SE = 0,15003) lebih tinggi dari kelompok kontrol (M = 0,0076, SE = 0,03251). Perbedaannya signifikan dengan t(17,499) = 6,614 dan p = 0,000 (p < 0,05). Besar pengaruh yang didapatkan adalah r = 0,8451 yang termasuk kategori “efek besar” yang setara dengan 71,43%. Uji efektivitas pembelajaran di kelas Montessori dengan N-gain score adalah 55,98% yang masuk kategori "efektivitas menengah", sementara di kelas kontrol 0,42% yang termasuk dalam “efektivitas rendah”. [Concerns about the low level of curiosity have recently become the starting point of this research. Knowing the effect of literacy based on the Montessori approach to children's curiosity at the age of seven is the goal of this study. For this reason, the pretest posttest non equivalent group design was used as a research method. A total of 17 class IB children from SD Kanisius Sorowajan Yogyakarta were involved as a sample for the Montessori group and 17 class IA children as a sample for the control class. The research findings show that a literacy program based on the Montessori approach influences children's curiosity. Statistical tests showed differences in posttest-pretest scores for the Montessori group ( M = 1.0229,SE = 0.15003) higher than the control group ( M = 0.0076, SE = 0.03251). The difference is significant with t (17.499) = 6.614 and p = 0.000 ( p <0.05). The magnitude of the effect obtained is r = 0.8451 which is included in the "big effect" category which is equivalent to 71.43%. The learning effectiveness test in the Montessori class with an N-gain score was 55.98% which was in the "medium effectiveness" category, while in the control class it was 0.42% which was included in "low effectiveness".]

Language: Indonesian

DOI: 10.30601/dedikasi.v7i1.3533

ISSN: 2548-8848, 2338-9966

Book Section

Montessori-Pädagogik [Montessori Pedagogy]

Available from: SpringerLink

Book Title: Handbuch Bildungsreform und Reformpädagogik

Pages: 273-285

Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori (1870-1952) hat ausgehend von einer entwicklungspsychologisch, soziologisch und anthropologisch orientierten Analyse von Kindheit und Jugend ein Schul- und Bildungssystem entworfen, das diesen Ergebnissen auf der Basis der von ihr entwickelten Arbeitsmaterialien folgt. Das Lernen geschieht in vier aufeinanderfolgenden Entwicklungsstufen von jeweils fünf bis sieben Jahren, mit denen aufeinanderfolgende Erziehungspläne korrespondieren: das Montessori-Kinderhaus, die Montessori-Grundschule, der "Erdkinderplan" und die Universität. [Maria Montessori (1870-1952) designed a school and education system based on an analysis of childhood and youth based on developmental psychology, sociology and anthropology, which follows these results on the basis of the working materials she developed. Learning takes place in four successive developmental stages of five to seven years each, with which successive educational plans correspond: the Montessori children's home, the Montessori elementary school, the "Erdkinderplan" and the university.]

Language: German

Published: Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer, 2018

ISBN: 978-3-658-07491-3

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