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924 results


Maria und Mario Montessoris Kosmische Erziehung: Vision und Konkretion [Maria and Mario Montessori's Cosmic Upbringing: Vision and Concretion]

Cosmic education, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Mario M. Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Das Konzept der Kosmischen Erziehung basiert auf überlegungen Maria Montessoris zur Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos, die sie in den 1930er Jahren als großartige Vision vorstellte und in den 1940er Jahren in Indien gemeinsam mit ihrem Sohn Mario zu einem konkreten pädagogischen Konzept ausformte. Maria Montessoris Absicht mit dieser Vision war, den Blick Heranwachsender Menschen auf Interdependenzen naturgeschichtlicher wie historisch-gesellschaftlicher Evolutionsprozesse zu richten, um dadurch in der Erziehung den Grundstein für ein verantwortungsvolles Umgehen mit ökologischen Kreisläufen wie auch für Solidarität zwischen sozialen Gruppen und Nationen zu legen. Dabei wird erstmals Mario Montessoris wichtiger, lange Zeit kaum beachteter Beitrag zur Entwicklung und Etablierung des Konzepts "Kosmische Erziehung" ausdrücklich herausgearbeitet. [The concept of cosmic education is based on Maria Montessori's considerations about the position of man in the cosmos, which she presented as a great vision in the 1930s and which was developed in India in the 1940s together with her son Mario into a concrete educational concept. Maria Montessori's intention with this vision was to focus on the interdependencies of natural history as well as historical-social evolutionary processes in order to lay the foundations for a responsible handling of ecological cycles as well as for solidarity between social groups and nations. For the first time, Mario Montessori's important, long neglected contribution to the development and establishment of the concept "Cosmic Education" is explicitly worked out.]

Language: German

Published: Münster, Germany: Lit, 2007

Edition: 2nd

ISBN: 978-3-8258-0242-4 3-8258-0242-6

Series: Impulse der Reformpädagogik , 15


Maria Montessori e la scuola d'infanzia a nuovo indirizzo [Maria Montessori and the new direction of nursery school]

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori schools

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Abstract/Notes: Il volume raccoglie una parte delle tante voci italiane, iberiche e sudamericane che hanno inondato le giornate del Convegno su "Maria Montessori e la scuola d'infanzia a nuovo indirizzo", promosso dalla Fondazione Montessori Italia e svoltosi a Roma nel febbraio del 2015. Il libro si propone di ripercorrere alcuni elementi significativi della lezione di Maria Montessori, ricostruendone gli sviluppi in relazione al nuovo indirizzo dell'educazione infantile promosso da Bruno Ciari e Loris Malaguzzi, in vista delle sfide pedagogiche che si prospettano alla scuola d'infanzia nel nuovo secolo. Il volume è diviso in tre parti. La prima parte, intitolata ai fondamenti del pensiero montessoriano e ai suoi rapporti col modello a nuovo indirizzo, riporta le relazioni di base del Convegno. La seconda parte è costituita da interventi relativi agli aspetti storici e culturali del pensiero montessoriano. La terza parte, infine, è dedicata a interventi inerenti ad alcuni momenti della pedagogia montessoriana.

Language: Italian

Published: Bergamo, Italy: Zeroseiup, 2015

ISBN: 978-88-99338-07-7 88-99338-07-8

Series: Culture e saperi dell'infanzia


✓ Peer Reviewed

Maria Montessori, i suoi tempi e i nostri anni. Storia, vitalità e prospettive di una pedagogia innovativa / Maria Montessori, Her Times and Our Years. History, Vitality and Perspectives of an Innovative Pedagogy

Available from: Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione

Publication: Rivista di Storia dell’Educazione, vol. 8, no. 2

Pages: 3-8

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education

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Abstract/Notes: Il numero monografico sul tema Maria Montessori, i suoi tempi e i nostri anni. Storia, vitalità e prospettive di una pedagogia innovativa è parte delle iniziative di ricerca collegate al Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) dal titolo Maria Montessori dal passato al presente. Accoglienza e implementazione del suo metodo educativo in Italia nel 150° anniversario della sua nascita, finalizzato alla ricostruzione della figura e dell’opera della scienziata di Chiaravalle e della penetrazione del suo metodo educativo in Italia a partire dall’istituzione della prima Casa dei Bambini nel 1907 e all’analisi delle esperienze innovative diffuse negli ultimi anni nel solco della pedagogia montessoriana

Language: Italian

DOI: 10.36253/rse-12307

ISSN: 2532-2818


✓ Peer Reviewed

Membedah Pemikiran Maria Montessori Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini [Dissecting Maria Montessori's Thought on Early Childhood Education]

Available from: Pedagogi: Jurnal Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Publication: Pedagogi: Jurnal Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini [Pedagogy: Journal of Early Childhood and Early Childhood Education], vol. 6, no. 2

Pages: 57-67

Asia, Australasia, Indonesia, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Southeast Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Artikel ini mengkaji tentang pendidikan anak usia dini berdasarkan pemikiran Montessori. Biografi, kurikulum, metode, lingkungan kelas Montessori menjadi pembahasan dalam artikel ini. Hasil penelitian studi literatur menunjukkan bahwa Montessori merupakan seorang wanita pertama Italia lulusan kedokteran. Montessori tertarik pada studi tentang penyakit mental dan gangguan psikologis terhadap anak. Ia membuka sebuah sekolah dengan murid-muridnya yang cacat mental, hingga ia meneliti bagaimana metode pendidikan untuk anak cacat mental. Montessori berkeyakinan bahwa metode yang telah dilakukannya pada anak cacat mental bisa dilakukan juga pada anak-anak normal. Menurut Montessori rentang usia anak 0 sampai 3 tahun merupakan usia dibawah sadar, dan rentang usia 4 sampai 6 tahun mengalami peningkatan ke usia sadar. Kurikulum Montessori terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu lingkungan praktis, latihan sensorik motorik, dan perkembangan bahasa. Kebebasan, lingkungan yang terstruktur dan teratur merupakan elemen penting dalam metode Montessori. Dan lingkungan kelas Montessori yang terdiri dari prinsip kebebasan, ketertiban, kenyataan dan alam, suasana dan keindahan, bahan-bahan Montessori dan pengembangan kehidupan masyarakat. [This article examines early childhood education based on Montessori thinking. Biography, curriculum, methods, and the Montessori classroom environment are discussed in this article. The results of the literature study showed that Montessori was the first Italian woman to graduate from medicine. Montessori was interested in the study of mental illness and psychological disorders in children. He opened a school with mentally disabled students, so he researched educational methods for mentally disabled children. Montessori believes that the method he has done on mentally disabled children can also be applied to normal children. According to Montessori, the age range of children 0 to 3 years is a subconscious age, and the age range of 4 to 6 years has increased to the conscious age. The Montessori curriculum consists of three parts, namely the practical environment, motor sensory training, and language development. A free, structured and orderly environment is an essential element of the Montessori method. And the Montessori classroom environment which consists of the principles of freedom, order, reality and nature, atmosphere and beauty, Montessori materials and the development of people's lives.]

Language: Indonesian

ISSN: 2599-042X, 2599-0438


In memoria di Maria Jervolino [In memory of Maria Jervolino]

Available from: Atlante Montessori

Publication: Vita dell'Infanzia (Opera Nazionale Montessori), vol. 25, no. 7

Pages: 3-4

Maria Jervolino - Biographic sources, Marziola Pignatari - Writings, Obituaries

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 0042-7241


Il [terzo] Articolo della Dott. Maria Montessori: Gli Studi della Illustre Educatrice sui Ragazzi Deficienti - Una Serie di Studi e di Esperimenti Felici e Fortunati [The (third) Article by Dr. Maria Montessori: The Studies of the Distinguished Educator on Deficient Children - A Series of Happy and Lucky Studies and Experiments]

Available from: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)

Publication: L'Italia (San Francisco, California)

Pages: 5

Americas, Maria Montessori - Writings, North America, United States of America

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Language: Italian

ISSN: 2637-5400


Maria Montessori, oggi: 1870-1970 [Maria Montessori, today: 1870-1970]

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History

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Language: Italian

Published: Firenze, Italy: Giunti-Bemporad Marzocco, 1970


✓ Peer Reviewed

Modernost pedagoške koncepcije Marije Montessori [The contemporariness of Maria Montessori’s pedagogical concept / Modernität der pädagogischen Konzeption von Maria Montessori]

Available from: Hrčak - Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals

Publication: Pedagogijska istraživanja, vol. 8, no. 2

Pages: 205-216

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Abstract/Notes: U zadnjim desetljećima sve veći broj znanstvenika i pedagoga praktičara pokazuje interes za Montessori pedagogiju, provjerava je u praksi i potvrđuje da je riječ o modernoj, vremenu primjerenoj pedagogiji koja odgovara na razvojne potrebe suvremene djece i mladih. Brojna istraživanja pokazuju kako djeca iz Montessori škola, u usporedbi s djecom iz standardnih škola, pokazuju bolju motivaciju za učenje, višestruke interese, samostalnost i pozitivan odnos prema učenju te veću odgovornost prema zajednici. Istraživanja euroznanosti i razvojne psihologije potvrđuju postavke Montessori pedagogije o individualnom planu razvoja, koji prolazi određene stupnjeve (senzibilna razdoblja, prozori učenja) te o potrebi didaktički obliko vanog okruženja kao pomoći u individualnom razvoju. Zahtjev za slobodom, samostalnosti i samoaktivnosti Montessori je, za razliku od emancipatorske pedagogije i sociokonstruktivizma, postavila u okvire razvojne i moralne slobode i jasno defi nirala uvjete slobode i pretpostavke samostalnosti djeteta. Sloboda shvaćena kao izgradnja kompetencija za djelovanje – cilj je, ali i put, koji dijete prolazi u svome razvoju i na kojemu treba sigurnost, zaštićenost, praćenje i pomoć odraslih. Modernost Montessori pedagogije treba tražiti u znanstveno utemeljenoj psihologiji razvoja, u pedagoški oblikovanoj ponudi učenja i u pedagoškom etosu odgajatelja. [In recent decades an increasing number of scholars and pedagogues have been showing interest in the educational approach developed by Maria Montessori, applying it in practice and arguing that it is a modern and timely pedagogy that responds to the developmental needs of contemporary children and youth. Numerous surveys show that children educated in Montessori schools, in comparison to children educated in standard schools, demonstrate a greater motivation to learn, have a multiplicity of interests, display independence and a positive stance towards learning, as well as an increased sense of responsibility towards the community. Research in neuroscience and developmental psychology confi rms the hypotheses laid down by Montessori pedagogy about the individual development plan as evolving through certain stages (sensitive periods, learning windows) and about the need to have a didactically formulated environment that will support individual development. Unlike the emancipatory pedagogy and socio-constructivism, Montessori has placed the requirement for freedom, autonomy and self-activity within the bounds of a developmental and moral freedom and clearly defi ned the conditions of the freedom and the assumptions of the child’s autonomy. Freedom interpreted as a development of competencies for action represents the aim, but also the journey a child goes through during the development period when it needs safety, protection, attention and support from the adults. The contemporariness of Montessori pedagogy is to be found in scientifically-based developmental psychology, in pedagogically formulated teaching and in the pedagogical ethos of the teacher. / In den letzten Jahrzehnten wächst die Zahl von Wissenschaft lern und pädagogischen Praktikern, die sich mit der Montessori-Pädagogik beschäft igen, ihre Th esen in der Praxis überprüfen und die Meinung vertreten, dass es um eine moderne, zeitgemäße Pädagogik handelt, die auf Entwicklungsbedürfnisse der heutigen Kinder und Jugendlichen antwortet. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen bestätigen, dass die Kinder aus den Montessori-Schulen im Vergleich mit den Kindern aus den Standardschulen eine höhere Lernmotivation, vielfältigere Interessen, Selbständigkeit und positives Verhältnis zum Lernen sowie eine größere Verantwortung gegenüber der Gemeinschaft besitzen. Die im Rahmen von Neurowissenschaft en und Entwicklungspsychologie unternommenen Untersuchungen bestätigen die Hypothesen der Montessori-Pädagogik über den individuellen Entwicklungsplan, der bestimmte Stufen durchläuft (sensible Etappen, Lernfenster) sowie die Notwendigkeit einer didaktisch gestalteten Umwelt als individueller Entwicklungshilfe. Die Forderung nach der Freiheit, Selbständigkeit und Selbstaktivität stellte Montessori, im Unterschied zu emanzipatorischer Pädagogik und sozialem Konstruktivismus in den Rahmen der moralischen und Entwicklungsfreiheit und defi nierte klar die Voraussetzungen für die Freiheit und Selbständigkeit des Kindes. Die Freiheit, begriff en als Aufb au von Handlungskompetenzen, stellt das Ziel, aber auch den Weg dar, den das Kind in seiner Entwicklung zurücklegt und auf dem es Sicherheit, Geborgenheit, Hilfe und Aufsicht durch Erwachsene benötigt. Die Modernität der Montessori-Pädagogik ist in der wissenschaft lich begründeten Entwicklungspsychologie, in den pädagogisch aufb ereiteten Lernangeboten und dem pädagogischen Ethos der Erzieher zu suchen.]

Language: Croatian

ISSN: 1334-7888


Anna Maria Maccheroni, Come conobbi Maria Montessori [review]

Publication: Libri e riviste (Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri), vol. 9

Pages: 2454

Book reviews

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Language: Italian


Maria Montessori: A Visionary Whose Insights Align With Neuroscience / Maria Montessori: Une Visionnaire dont les Idées s'Alignent avec les Neurosciences

Available from: Cortica

Publication: Cortica, vol. 2, no. 2

Pages: 203-222

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Neuroscience

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori’s approach, based on observation of and experimentation with children’s learning processes, remains one of the longest-standing and widely embraced forms of alternative education. Contemporary neuroscience research increasingly validates Montessori’s principles, yet a robust bridge between these two fields remains elusive. Factors such as differing goals, terminology and the lack of a collaborative framework hinder their synergy. This literature review explores the intersection between neuroscience findings and Montessori’s educational philosophy, structured into five key areas. The Perspective first presents various neuroscience insights: an exploration of aspects related to learning, brain development and cognition. Second, a brief background on Maria Montessori’s contributions: a historical overview of Maria Montessori's life, work and educational methodology. Third is the identification of the areas where neuroscience and Montessori principles intersect, including the importance of movement, emotional development, social learning, the role of the prepared environment, the transition from concrete to abstract concepts, self-regulation, sensitive periods and memory. Finally, while acknowledging the challenges and limitations in researching Montessori education, this review emphasises the growing evidence that supports the alignment of Montessori principles with neuroscience findings. This underscores the enduring relevance of Montessori’s holistic education approach and highlights the potential benefits of a deeper collaboration between these fields, to enhance educational practices and promote comprehensive learning experiences for children. / L'approche éducative de Maria Montessori, fondée sur l'observation et l'expérimentation de l'enfant, reste l'une des formes d'éducation alternative les plus anciennes et les plus largement adoptées. La recherche contemporaine en neurosciences valide de plus en plus les principes de Montessori, mais établir un pont solide entre ces deux domaines reste difficile. Des facteurs tels que des objectifs différents, une terminologie différente et l'absence d'un cadre de collaboration entravent leur synergie. Cette revue de la littérature explore l'intersection entre les résultats des neurosciences et la philosophie éducative de Montessori, structurée en cinq domaines clés : Premièrement, la présentation de quelques idées neuroscientifiques : Une exploration de divers aspects neuroscientifiques liés à l'apprentissage, au développement du cerveau et à la cognition. Deuxièmement, un bref historique des contributions de Maria Montessori : un aperçu historique de la vie, de l'œuvre et de la méthodologie éducative de Maria Montessori. L'identification des domaines où les neurosciences et les principes Montessori se croisent est ensuite présentée, notamment l'importance du mouvement, le développement émotionnel, l'apprentissage social, le rôle de l'environnement préparé, la transition des concepts concrets aux concepts abstraits, l'autorégulation, les périodes sensibles et la mémoire. Tout en reconnaissant les défis et les limites de la recherche en éducation Montessori, cette revue met l'accent sur les preuves de plus en plus nombreuses de l'alignement des principes Montessori sur les résultats des neurosciences. Cela souligne la pertinence durable de l'approche éducative holistique de Montessori et met en lumière les avantages potentiels d'une collaboration plus approfondie entre ces domaines, dans le but d'améliorer les pratiques éducatives et de favoriser des expériences d'apprentissage complètes pour les enfants.

Language: English

DOI: 10.26034/cortica.2023.4218

ISSN: 2813-1940

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