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1009 results

Doctoral Dissertation

Escola Montessori: um espaço de conquistas e redescobertas [Montessori School: a space for conquests and rediscoveries]

Available from: Universidade LaSalle - Institutional Repository

Americas, Brazil, Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools, South America

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Abstract/Notes: A presente investigação focaliza os principais fundamentos da pedagogia montessoriana no que tange aos aspectos relativos à teoria e ao método propostos por Maria Montessori, desde o final do século XIX, e adaptados aos contextos educativo e curricular contemporâneos na Prima-Escola Montessori, localizada na Cidade de São Paulo. A referida Instituição tem seu trabalho reconhecido ao longo de quase três décadas no território brasileiro e também no plano internacional por ser a única instituição educacional sul-americana citada no Around the World in 100 Years – Montessori Centenary. Considerando, a priori, a pertinência de estudos que oportunizem o resgate da dimensão pedagógica na história do currículo das organizações educativas, este trabalho apresenta como problema de pesquisa a seguinte indagação: quais são as contribuições pedagógicas do modelo curricular montessoriano aplicado à Educação Básica na escola brasileira contemporânea? Para respondê-la, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa, de cunho predominantemente qualitativo, baseada na observação participante por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e fotografias. Nesse sentido, o trabalho estrutura-se em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo faz um resgate de fatos significativos da trajetória da vida pessoal e profissional de Maria Montessori; o segundo apresenta uma abordagem das ideias básicas da pedagogia científica desenvolvida por ela e a gênesis dos princípios, que fundamentam seu método educativo; e o terceiro fala sobre a pesquisa de campo realizada na Prima-Escola Montessori de São Paulo, com a intenção de permitir uma análise crítica entre teoria e prática e verificar quais são, na atualidade, os valores e as possibilidades desse sistema de ensino. [The following investigation focus on the main foundations for the montessorian pedagogy about aspects related to the theory and the method proposed by Maria Montessori since the end of the XIX century and adapted to contemporary educational and curricular contexts at Prima –Escola Montessori, in São Paulo. This school has been recognized for its work for almost three decades in the Brazilian territory and also internationally, being the only South-American one mentioned in Around the World in 100 Years – Montessory Centenary. Taking into consideration the relevance of studies that permit the rescue of the pedagogical dimension in History of the curriculum of the educational institutes, the following work presents, as research problem, the following question: What are the pedagogical contributions to the montessorian curricular model applied to Basic Education in contemporary Brazilian Schools? A predominantly qualitative research was developed to answer it, based on interactive observation, semi-structured interviews and photographs. For that objective, this work is structured in three chapters. The first chapter is a rescue of the significant facts related to Maria Montessori’s personal and professional life; the second presents an approach of basic ideas concerning the scientific pedagogy developed by her and the genesis of the principles that are the bases for her educational method; and the third is about the applied research at Prima-Escola Montessori in São Paulo, with the intention of permitting critical analysis between theory and practice and verifying the values and the possibilities of this teaching system nowadays.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Canoas, Brazil, 2009


Behind the Headlines: Dr Joyce Morris Starts New Research Curriculum for Advanced Group [London Montessori Centre course]

Publication: LM Courier

Pages: 1

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Language: English


Reading and Math Achievement for African American Lower Elementary Students in Public Montessori Programs

Available from: National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector (NCMPS)

Academic achievement, African American community, African Americans, Americas, Arithmetic - Achievement, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Lower elementary, Mathematics - Achievement, Montessori method of education, North America, Public Montessori

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Abstract/Notes: As Montessori programs in public schools expand, Montessori education is becoming available to a more diverse population of American students than ever before. Students of color have a significant presence in public Montessori schools; over a quarter of students in whole-school public Montessori programs are African American. As these programs grow, researchers have increasingly directed their attention to demonstrating that Montessori works in public schools; however, few studies have examined outcomes for African American students at the lower elementary level, when critical reading and math skills are being established. This study sought to answer the question, how effectively does Montessori instruction promote achievement for African American third grade students in reading and math, compared to similar traditional schools and other public school choice programs?

Language: English

Published: Washington, D.C., 2016


Forest School and Montessori

Publication: Montessori International, vol. Working, no. 113

Pages: 31

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Abstract/Notes: includes small photos

Language: English

ISSN: 1470-8647

Book Section

Erziehungsberatung der Eltern behinderter Kinder bei ihrem Einsatz als Kotherapeuten [Educational advice for the parents of disabled children in their work as co-therapists]

Book Title: Die Montessori-Pädagogik und das behinderte Kind: Referate und Ergebnisse des 18. Internationalen Montessori Kongresses (München, 4-8 Juli 1977) [The Montessori System and the Handicapped Child: Papers and Reports of the 18th International Montessori Congress (Munich, July 4-8, 1977)]

Pages: 280-288

Children with disabilities, Conferences, International Montessori Congress (18th, Munich, Germany, 4-8 July 1977), Mentally ill children, Parents of children with disabilities, Parents of children with mental disabilities

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Language: German

Published: München: Kindler, 1978

ISBN: 3-463-00716-9


A Strong Case for More Talk in a Montessori Classroom

Available from: ProQuest

Publication: Montessori Life, vol. 15, no. 3

Pages: 40-42

Socratic practice

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Language: English

ISSN: 1054-0040


Marotta [Montessori Schools of Cleveland] Head Start Cut Forces Closing of Clearinghouse

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 9, no. 1

Pages: 30

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Postcard from Qatar: Middle East Adventure for Kiwi Teacher

Publication: Montessori NewZ, vol. 20

Pages: 15

Asia, Middle East, Qatar, Western Asia

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Language: English


Why Praise is Not Good for Our Children

Publication: Montessori Australia eArticle, vol. 2015, no. 2

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Language: English


I Hear American Singing – Folk Songs for American Families

Publication: The National Montessori Reporter, vol. 27, no. 3

Pages: 7

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Abstract/Notes: Review

Language: English

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