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733 results

Book Section

Peace Education: Education and Peace

Book Title: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education

Pages: 91-95

Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History, Peace education

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Abstract/Notes: This chapter examines Maria Montessori’s text, Education and Peace (1972) which was first published in 1949 in Italian. The text is a series of speeches she gave throughout Europe during the Interwar period of 1932-1939 and is divided into three parts. Part I is an introduction to Montessori’s vision for peace education. Part II collects the lectures from the Sixth International Montessori Congress in Copenhagen, 1937. Part III focuses on the lecture, “The Importance of Education in Bringing about Peace,” from an address to the International School of Philosophy in Amersfoort, 1937. The final section contains Montessori’s “Address to the World Fellowship of Faiths” in London, 1939. Montessori’s works assume a worldview where peace is the most natural state of consciousness and express her belief that humans can concretely address the fact that humanity seems to be devolving into greater forms of violence instead of advancing toward peace.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-350-27561-4 978-1-350-27560-7 978-1-350-27562-1

Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks

Book Section

Montessori Education: Ecoliteracy, Sustainability, and Peace Education

Book Title: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education

Pages: 545-552

Ecology, Experiential learning, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Sustainability

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Abstract/Notes: Maria Montessori’s vision of peace education includes a deep respect for integral human development where a focus on the whole child in the context of the larger community is the norm. Within Montessori education, children learn each part of the universe, living and non-living, play a role in the cosmic order of the world. Long before climate change became a mainstream concern and imminent threat, Montessori understood that ecoliteracy and a deep reverence for understanding how sustainability, sustainable living, respect for the environment, and a deep understanding of the means of production and exchange were essential to the development of a peaceful world. This chapter explores her philosophy of peace education, its relationship to environmental stewardship, and the implementation of these themes within the Montessori context.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-350-27561-4 978-1-350-27560-7 978-1-350-27562-1

Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks


Studien zur Montessori-Pädagogik I: Maria Montessori und die "reform-pädagogische Bewegung" [Studies on Montessori Education I: Maria Montessori and the "New Education Movement"]

Europe, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., New Education Fellowship, New Education Movement, Theosophical Society, Theosophy

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Language: German

Published: Freiburg, Germany: Herder, 1986

ISBN: 978-3-451-20919-2


Old and New Ideals in Education [a lecture delivered to the Theosophical Fraternity in Education, London, September 26th, 1916]

Available from: HathiTrust

Publication: The Herald of the Star, vol. 5, no. 11

Pages: 485-496

Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa - Speeches, addresses, etc., England, Europe, Great Britain, New Ideals in Education, Northern Europe, Theosophical Society, Theosophy, United Kingdom

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Language: English

Doctoral Dissertation

La Problematique de l'Education a la Paix a la Lumiere de Deux Representants de l'Education Nouvelle: Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori [The Problem of Education for Peace in the Light of Two Representatives of New Education: Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori]

Available from: Université Lyon 2 Theses

Célestin Freinet - Biographic sources, Célestin Freinet - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, New Education Fellowship, Peace education

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Abstract/Notes: L'étude du thème de l'éducation à la paix en regard des options spécifiques, éducatives et pédagogiques - historiquement ancrées - de Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori, inscrites dans le mouvement de l'Education nouvelle, imposent avant tout d'interroger le concept de paix à la lumière des approches philosophiques. La notion de conflit, comme lieu - d'espace et de temps, moment différé à la violence - où s'articulent les rapports de tensions entre les contraires mis en présence, apparaît dès lors comme l'élément central à prendre en considération dans ce qui caractérise les relations humaines, afin que ces dernières ne dégénèrent pas en violence aveugle. S'il est indéniable que les deux pédagogues ont été animés par un profond désir de voir la paix s'installer dans le monde après deux catastrophes mondiales, il n'en demeure pas moins que leurs approches en ce domaine révèlent, à l'instar de leur attitude vis à vis des conflits armés, un déni de la notion même de conflit au sein des relations entre les hommes et par voie de conséquence de la valeur qui lui est attachée. L'établissement d'une adéquation entre nature et paix, renforcée en cette époque charnière du début du XXe siècle, amène Célestin Freinet et Maria Montessori à asseoir leurs conceptions, pour l'un comme pour l'autre, sur les bases du naturalisme et du vitalisme en prenant, pour Maria Montessori plus particulièrement, le chemin de la religion. C'est en cela que les conceptions et démarches de ces deux pédagogues, s'inscrivant dans le mouvement plus général de l'Education nouvelle, s'appuient sur la nécessité de l'éradication des conflits. Outre le fait que par la voie du pacifisme, la paix ne saurait advenir, l'éducation à la paix demeure un problème parce qu'elle se doit de considérer la composante conflictuelle tant dans les relations inter-individuelles qu'inter-éthniques et inter-étatiques. Il reste au demeurant que non seulement on peut mais que l'on doit éduquer à la paix, au risque de la violence possible, afin d'assurer aux futures générations l'apprentissage de liberté et de l'autonomie. [The probematics of education for peace in light of two representatives of the New education : Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori The study of education for peace theme from the specific, educational and pedagogical – historically rooted – options of Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori, registered in the New Education movement, imposes first to question the concept of peace in the light of philosophical approaches. The notion of conflict, as unit – of space and time, moment differred to violence – where tension struggles between opposites, appear from that time as the central element to be considered in what caracterizes human relations, so that these relations do not degenerate in blind violence. If it is undeniable that both pedagogues have been incited by a deep desire to see peace spreading over the world after both world catastrophes, the fact remains that their approaches in this domain reveal, in the manner of their attitude towards armed conflicts, a denial of the very notion of conflict in relations between men and consequently of the value hereto attached. The setting-up of an adequacy between nature and peace, reinforced at this hinge time of the beginning of the 20th century, leads Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori to ground their conceptions, for both of them, on the basis of naturalism and vitalism, by taking, especially for Maria Montessori, the way of religion. Conceptions and approaches of these both pedagogues, in the scope of the general New Education movement, lean on the necessity to eradicate conflicts. Besides the fact that by the way of pacifism, peace could not come to pass, education to peace remains a problem because it has to consider the conflict element in inter-individual as well as inter-ethnical and inter-state relations. The fact remains that education to peace not only can be but has to be dispensed, at the risk of possible violence, in order to ensure to future generations learning of freedom and autonomy.]

Language: French

Published: Lyon, France, 2004

Book Section

Théosophie et éducation en Espagne (1891-1939): espaces de sociabilité et réseaux éducatifs [Theosophy and education in Spain (1891-1939): spaces of sociability and educational networks]

Available from: OpenEdition Books

Book Title: Éduquer dans et hors l'école: Lieux et milieux de formation. XVIIe-XXe siècle

Pages: 87-102

Europe, Southern Europe, Spain, Theosophical Society, Theosophy

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Abstract/Notes: L’occasion de lancer des recherches sur les liens entre le mouvement théosophique et l’éducation en Espagne et l’intérêt que celles-ci pouvaient présenter surgirent à partir de la lecture du Petit Journal d’Adolphe Ferrière dans les Archives de l’institut J.-J. Rousseau de l’université de Genève. En 1930, de passage à Barcelone sur le chemin de son long voyage vers l’Amérique latine, le pédagogue suisse fut reçu par Maria Solà de Sellarés, Attilio Bruschetti et José Forteza. Cependant ces personnages n’apparaissent pas dans les pages de l’historiographie de l’éducation nouvelle et de la rénovation pédagogique en Catalogne au cours du premier tiers du XXe siècle. Après les recherches qui s’imposaient, nous sûmes qu’ils militèrent dans l’hétérodoxe mouvement théosophique et que, suivant les pas de Béatrice Ensor, ils se rapprochèrent de sa pédagogie par le biais de la Fraternité internationale de l’Éducation. La vocation éducative du mouvement théosophique se manifesta dans l’organisation de cours et de conférences, l’édition de livres et de dépliants à caractère doctrinal et didactique, la création d’espaces de sociabilité et, entre autres initiatives, par la fondation d’un certain nombre d’écoles et de centres éducatifs qui tentèrent de rejoindre les mouvements rénovateurs européens, tout en restant fidèles au spiritualisme oriental. Plus tard et malgré les distances que leur imposèrent dissidences et fractures, un autre courant allait apparaître à l’horizon de l’évolution de ce mouvement: l’anthroposophie de Steiner et la pédagogie Waldorf. Cet article se propose d’analyser, dans les contextes européen et international, la fonction sociale, éducative et socialisatrice de la théosophie et des réseaux socioéducatifs théosophiques, hors et dans l’école, en Espagne au cours du premier tiers du XXe siècle. Cette recherche part de l’analyse de sources orales (membres de familles de théosophes et personnes ayant des liens avec le mouvement théosophique) et de sources écrites (directes et indirectes) consultées et étudiées dans diverses archives : Biblioteca de Cataluña (Barcelone), bibliothèque privée de la Branche Arjuna de Barcelone, Centro nacional de la Memoria histórica de Salamanque (Espagne), archives privées de la famille Jover Dalmau (ancien élève de l’école Damon) et Archives historiques municipales de Sabadell (Catalogne). [The opportunity to launch research on the links between the theosophical movement and education in Spain and the interest that these could present arose from the reading of the Petit Journal d'Adolphe Ferrière in the Archives of the institute J.-J. Rousseau from the University of Geneva. In 1930, passing through Barcelona on the way to his long journey to Latin America, the Swiss teacher was received by Maria Solà de Sellarés, Attilio Bruschetti and José Forteza. However, these characters do not appear in the pages of the historiography of new education and educational renewal in Catalonia during the first third of the twentieth century. After the necessary research, we learned that they were active in the heterodox theosophical movement and that, following in the footsteps of Beatrice Ensor, they approached her pedagogy through the International Fraternity of Education. The educational vocation of the theosophical movement was manifested in the organization of courses and conferences, the publication of books and leaflets of a doctrinal and didactic nature, the creation of spaces for sociability and, among other initiatives, by the foundation of a number of schools and educational centers which tried to join the European renovating movements, while remaining faithful to Eastern spiritualism. Later and despite the distances imposed by dissidence and fractures, another current would appear on the horizon of the evolution of this movement: the anthroposophy of Steiner and the Waldorf pedagogy. This article aims to analyze, in European and international contexts, the social, educational and socializing function of theosophy and theosophical socio-educational networks, outside and in school, in Spain during the first third of the twentieth century. This research starts from the analysis of oral sources (members of families of Theosophists and people with links to the Theosophical movement) and written sources (direct and indirect) consulted and studied in various archives: Biblioteca de Cataluña (Barcelona), library private of the Arjuna Branch of Barcelona, ​​Centro nacional de la Memoria histórica de Salamanca (Spain), private archives of the Jover Dalmau family (former pupil of the Damon school) and Municipal Historical Archives of Sabadell (Catalonia).]

Language: French

Published: Rennes, France: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018

ISBN: 978-2-7535-5561-7

Series: Histoire


Montessori 교육에서의 미술교육 [Art Education in Montessori Education]

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 1

Pages: 47-63

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


The Reform of Education During and After Adolescence: The Erdkinder: A Scheme for a Reform of Secondary Education

Publication: Bulletin of the Association Montessori Internationale, vol. 2, no. 1

Pages: 3-23

Adolescence, Educational change, Erdkinder, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Maria Montessori - Writings, Montessori method of education, Secondary education

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Language: English


The 'S' Word: Is Montessori Education Montessori Education without Attention to Children's Spirituality?

Available from: University of Connecticut Libraries - American Montessori Society Records

Publication: Public School Montessorian, vol. 2, no. 4

Pages: 1

Public Montessori

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Language: English

ISSN: 1071-6246


Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood Education: Process-Oriented Procedures for Documenting Education and Development

Available from: SpringerLink

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Abstract/Notes: Today, the documentation of children's education and development is an important part of educational work in early childhood education. This book systematises the topic of pedagogical documentation based on current empirical research. The book analyses different pedagogical reasons for documentation and then presents and discusses different procedures of pedagogical documentation in theory and empirical practice : Portfolio, Learning Stories, pedagogical documentation in the room, project documentation and digital pedagogical documentation. Pedagogical documentation is discussed in the tension between a social constructivist understanding of education on the one hand and a diagnostic logic of fostering on the other. The book is intended as a part of pedagogically oriented childhood research, which also wants to contribute to the reflection and improvement of pedagogical practice.

Language: English

Published: Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Nature, 2022

ISBN: 978-3-658-39736-4 978-3-658-39735-7

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