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Doctoral Dissertation

Educational Ideas and Practices of Rabindranath Tagore and Maria Montessori: A Comparative Analysis

Available from: Shodhganga: Indian Theses

Asia, Comparative education, Education - History, Education - Philosophy, India, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Rabindranath Tagore - Biographic sources, Rabindranath Tagore - Philosophy, South Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Rabindranath Tagore and Maria Montessori were two great educationists of the two continents of the world. This study compared the ideals and practices of both these pioneers in the field of education. The objectives of the study were to analyze the similarities and differences in the educational philosophies of Rabindranath Tagore and Maria Montessori, to study the aims, curriculum and methods of education as propounded by them and to find out the relevance of their educational doctrines in the present day education system. Methodology: A philosophical and historical research was conducted by the researcher. The data were collected from the various primary and secondary sources. The collected data were analyzed by ensuring the internal and external criticism of the various sources. Findings of the Study: Tagore and Montessori’s educational thoughts were inspired by the static conditions of the then prevalent traditional educational systems. Their pedagogical approaches stressed on the needs and interests of the child. Rabindranath Tagore’s approach towards evolution of an educational philosophy was his vision as a poet and his institution was an extension of his work of art. Maria Montessori’s educational theory was based on science and her institution was a pedagogical laboratory for her. Rabindranath Tagore’s poetic vision enabled him to devise a unique learning environment at Santiniketan based on the concept of ancient Indian ideals. Rabindranath asserted his mission to promote global peace and universal brotherhood through the creation of Visva-Bharati. Through Sriniketan Tagore tried to address the needs of rural India. Maria Montessori through scientific observation evolved learning materials in a classroom environment that fostered children’s natural desire to learn from ‘Children’s House’. She developed the Montessori Method, which was eventually adopted throughout the world. Living through the years of violent war and political upheaval, also inspired her to espouse the cause of peace education. The conclusion that the researcher could draw from the study was that though the educational practices of both these educators were different, there are many parallel ideas in their educational ideals and thoughts. Their innovative methods of teaching are still relevant in the present day education.

Language: English

Published: Kolkata, India, 2017

Bachelor's Thesis

Yhteistyön voima: Vanhempien kokemuksia kasvatuskumppanuuden toteutumisesta Montessori-leikkikouluissa [The power of cooperation: Parents' experiences of the implementation of educational partnership in Montessori play schools]

Available from: Theseus (Finland)

Europe, Finland, Montessori schools, Nordic countries, Northern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Teimme opinnäytetyömme Töölön ja Herttoniemenrannan Montessori-leikkikouluihin. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli tuoda leikkikoulujen työntekijöille esille vanhempien ajatuksia kasvatuskumppanuudesta. Pyrimme myös löytämään niitä asioita, jotka eivät vielä toteudu kasvatuskumppanuuden käytännössä. Opinnäytetyömme oli luonteeltaan sekä kvalitatiivinen että kvantitatiivinen. Keräsimme aineistoa vanhemmilta kyselylomakkeen avulla, joka sisälsi sekä suljettuja että avoimia kysymyksiä. Kyselylomakkeen laatimisessa käytimme apuna kasvatuskumppanuuden periaatteita, jotka olivat kuuleminen, kunnioitus, dialogisuus ja luottamus. Vanhemmat vastasivat tutkimukseen anonyymeina. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 29 perhettä, 13 Töölöstä ja 16 Herttoniemenrannasta. Aineiston analysointiin käytimme SPSS-ohjelmaa sekä tyypittelyä. Tuloksista selvisi, että vanhemmat kokivat päivittäiset keskustelut henkilökunnan kanssa lapsen tuontija hakutilanteissa erityisen merkityksellisiksi. Vanhempien mielestä keskustelu lapsen päivän kulusta henkilökunnan kanssa olikin pääosin riittävää. Osalle vanhemmista riitti, että vain lasta koskevat erityiset kuulumiset vaihdetaan. Vanhemmat myös pitivät kodin ja leikkikoulun välistä suhdetta luottamuksellisena sekä tasa-arvoisena. Kuitenkaan henkilökemiat eivat vanhempien mielestä kaikin puolin aina toimineet. Leikkikoulun toiminnan suunnitteluun vanhemmat eivät juurikaan kokeneet voivansa osallistua, tai he eivät välttämättä edes halunneet. Yhteiset kasvatustavoitteet oman lapsen kohdalla, oli osalle vanhemmista epäselvät. Kasvatuskumppanuuden periaatteet toteutuivat leikkikouluissa melko hyvin, eikä tulokset juurikaan vaihdelleet leikkikoulujen kesken. Vanhemmat toivat esille kuitenkin muutamia kehitysehdotuksia leikkikoulun toimintaan liittyen. He toivoivat, että lapsille annettaisiin useammin mahdollisuus leikkiä ryhmässä, eikä vain yksin tai kahdestaan. Myös leikkikoulun järjestämää yhteistä iltaa vanhemmille lapsen kasvatukseen liittyen toivottiin. Mahdollisena jatkotutkimuksena voisi 1-2 vuoden kuluttua tehdä samoihin leikkikouluihin tutkimuksen samasta aiheesta, joko haastatteluin tai kyselylomaketta käyttämällä ja tarkastella, onko opinnäytetyömme tuonut muutoksia leikkikoulujen toimintaan.

Language: Finnish

Published: Helsinki, Finland, 2009


Namų erdvių bei baldų pritaikymas vaiko poreikiams pagal Marijos Montessori ugdymo metodiką [Adaptation of home spaces and furniture to the child's needs according to Maria Montessori's educational methodology]

Available from: Kaunas College

Publication: Inovacijų taikymas technologijose 2022 Kauno kolegija, Technologijų fakultetas, vol. 2022

Pages: 157–173

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Abstract/Notes: Dėl šiomis dienomis vyraujančios itin didelės vaikiškų baldų pasiūlos, išsirinkti tinkamiausius baldus ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams yra nelengva užduotis. Vienas iš kriterijų, pagal kurį galima įrengti vaiko gyvenamąją erdvę – šeimoje taikoma vaiko ugdymo metodika. Šiame darbe pristatomas vaikiškų baldų bei namų erdvių pritaikymas individualiems vaiko poreikiams, remiantis Marijos Montessori pedagogikos koncepcija, kurios pagrindinė idėja – vaiko savarankiškas ugdymasis bei neribotas pasaulio pažinimas. Straipsnyje pristatoma vaikiškų M. Montessori baldų atsiradimo istorija, M. Montessori baldų tipai, pagrindiniai vaiko gyvenamųjų erdvių pagal M. Montessori metodiką įrengimo principai. Nuošalyje nelieka ir ekologija.

Language: Lithuanian

ISSN: 2345-0185


Montessori metodo reikšmė vaikų ikimokykliniam ugdymui švietimo reformos kontekste / Importance of Montessori's method for pre-primary level upbringing in implementation of educational reform

Publication: Tiltai: humanitariniai ir socialiniai mokslai / humanities and social sciences, vol. 3, no. 16

Pages: 25–32

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Language: Lithuanian

ISSN: 1392-3137

Book Section

Montesoriška vaikų ugdymo įstaiga Lietuvoje / The children educational institution of Montessori style in Lithuania

Book Title: Lietuvos vaikų darželis: praeitis ir dabartis: jubiliejinės konferencijos medžiaga (1998, Vilnius)

Pages: 80–85

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Language: Lithuanian

Published: Vilnius, Lithuania: LRŠMM Leidybos centras, 1999

Doctoral Dissertation (Ph.D.)

The Historical Evolution and Contemporary Status of Montessori Schooling in New Zealand as an Example of the Adaptation of an Alternative Educational Ideal to a Particular National Context

Available from: Massey University - Theses and Dissertations

Australasia, Australia and New Zealand, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History, Montessori schools, New Zealand, Oceania

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Abstract/Notes: There have been two distinct phases of the Montessori method of education in New Zealand. The first began in 1912 and continued into the 1950s. The second phase, starting in 1975, has resulted in over one hundred Montessori early childhood centres being established throughout the country. In this thesis I examined the historical evolution and contemporary status of Montessori schooling in New Zealand, as an adaptation of an alternative educational ideal to a particular national context. To situate this study, the history of the Montessori movement was investigated, taking into consideration the particular character and personality of its founder, Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952). It is argued that the apparent contradictions of Montessori, who claimed to be both a scientific educator and a missionary, help explain the endurance of her method. The thesis further maintains that Montessori became a global educator whose philosophy and pedagogy transcends national boundaries. The middle section of this thesis examines the Montessori movement in New Zealand during the first phase and the second phase, highlighting the key role that individuals played in spreading Montessori's ideas. The major aim was to examine how Montessori education changes and adapts in different cultures and during different time frames. The thesis concentrates on New Zealand as a culturally specific example of a global phenomenon. The final section of the thesis is a case study of a Montessori early childhood centre examining the influence of Government policy and how the development of the centre supports the ongoing implementation of Montessori's ideas. The perceptions of Montessori teachers, former parents and students regarding the nature and value of Montessori education are also considered. Finally, observations carried out as part of the case study are analysed to further demonstrate the ways in which the original ideas of Montessori have been reworked to suit a different historical and societal context. It is concluded that Montessori is a global educator whose philosophy and pedagogy transcends national boundaries. Nonetheless, the integration of Montessori education within any country, including New Zealand, does result in a culturally specific Montessori education.

Language: English

Published: Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2004


How Children Learn: From Montessori to Vygosky - Educational Theories and Approaches Made Easy

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Abstract/Notes: An unrivalled introduction to the pioneers of educational theory that you won't be able to get through your studies without. This must-have book includes profiles on Vygotsky, Steiner, Montessori and Froebel, as well as 24 other theorists

Language: English

Published: London, England: Andrews, 2012

ISBN: 978-1-904575-09-2 978-1-907241-53-6 1-904575-09-9 1-907241-53-1

Series: How Children Learn Series

Doctoral Dissertation

A institucionalização do método Montessori no campo educacional brasileiro (1914-1952) [Institutionalization of the Montessori method in the Brazilian educational field (1914-1952)]

Available from: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Americas, Brazil, Latin America and the Caribbean, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - History, South America

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Abstract/Notes: Montessori established, in 1907, in Rome, a public school to children at risk, The Casa dei Bambini, which since then preserve the Montessori method characteristics, advocating the integral education based on freedom, action and on the individuality. For approximately four decades, Montessori researched about Children development, whose results were spread abroad, defining practices and innovative educational thoughts grounded on the relationship between teacher, the student and the learning environment advancing peace, self-education, self-correction with autonomy in sight, mutual respect, critic and the scientific spirit. The Objective of this study is the Montessori method establishment in Brazil, on the chronologic aspect along the first five decades from the last century. It?s a biographical research and documentary with a historical focus. The analysis is grounded in Certeau (2014), Chartier(2010) e Magalhães(2004). Objective: Recognize the formulation of the Montessori method in projects of its establishment in Brazil between 1914-1952; To Problematize political conditions, social, economical and cultural to set up the Montessori method in Brazil and its Educational applicability, questioning the reductionist mode relating to its use as specific materials and its adequate child-sized furniture. It has been verified that The First Montessori-based in Brazil served the children?s audience, in São Paulo, in the year of 1915, coming from the American strand, in a private enterprise of Ciridião Buarque e Mary Buarque. Such pedagogy irradiated by the mediation of these appropriation and representations made by teachers of the Escola Normal da Praça. São Paulo possessed, since 1924, laws that indicated the use of Montessori and Froebel?s course-ware, mas in a inarticulate way to the pedagogical principles. In Paraná, the Montessori-based education was established in the child education legislation in 1915 and investments were performed in 1924, when Lysímaco Costa acquired the ?montesorri layettes? to 4 Kindergarden. In Curitiba, in 1927, at the First National Conference of The Brazilian Association of Education (ABE), were presented thesis with Montessori bases. Still in Paraná, at the end of 40s, the method utilization occurred in the public education in the Preschool Program and Primary School and in 1952 was opened in Curitiba The Rural Montessori Experimental School to primary school, by the enterprise of Eny Caldeira.Piper Borges de Lacerda and Eny Caldeira speeches, whom realized in 1950 a course with Montessori in Perugia.In 1927, in Bahia, were realized vacation courses to teachers complementary training which were disseminated by the teacher of the Normal School of Salvador the Montessori concepts and the course-ware new meanings to the child education such as primary education. The matters discussed in these courses were spread by pedagogical magazines. In 1924, Alípio Franca translated The Method of Scientific Pedagogy applied to the Child Education at the Boys? House. In Rio de Janeiro, course-wares and parts of Montessori method were spread to Children education by education law, in 1921 and in 1929. Evidences of the Montessori use in perspective non-restricted to materials were found in children radio shows performed by Mary Buarque, in São Paulo, from 1936, whereupon self-education, the independence, the knowledge of child development phases, the singers freedom movement and the minimal intervention of the adult tutor made part of the proposal. In a mystic perspective, there was a link with the method and the social and theosophic assistance, in the 50 decade, disseminating in Rio de Janeiro and Paraná, by Piper Lacerda Borges and his husband. In the reuse given to the Agostinho da Silva method, also in the 1950, were present in the some universities creations, such as the Federal University of Santa Catarina as well from Paraíba and The University of Brasilia. Concluded that between 1914 and 1952, the establishment process of the Montessori method in Brazil was lead by several different individuals, from different parts of the country, with appropriations and personal representations. / Montessori constituiu, em 1907, em Roma, uma escola pública para crianças em situação de risco, a Casa dei Bambini, embasada numa educação integral alicerçada na liberdade, na atividade e na individualidade. Durante aproximadamente quatro décadas, Montessori realizou pesquisas sobre o desenvolvimento infantil, cujos resultados foram difundidos transnacionalmente, configurando práticas e pensamento educacional inovadores fundamentados na relação entre o professor, o aluno e um ambiente de aprendizagem promotor da paz, da autoeducação, da autonomia, do respeito ao outro e do espírito científico e crítico. Com isso, também empreendeu uma didática para professores e a venda em série dos materiais que idealizou. O objeto desta narrativa historiográfica respaldada em Certeau (2014), Chartier (2010) e Magalhães (2004) foi a institucionalização do Método Montessori no Brasil, no âmbito cronológico das cinco primeiras décadas do século passado. Objetivou: reconhecer as formulações teóricas que permitiram identificar a origem do Método Montessori e cotejá-las com os projetos brasileiros desenvolvidos entre 1914-1952 apontando permanências e contribuições à educação brasileira; historicizar o processo de institucionalização da Pedagogia montessoriana no Brasil; problematizar a sua forma de apropriação na Educação Infantil e Ensino Primário, identificando por que o método é relacionado principalmente ao uso de materiais didáticos específicos e de mobiliário adequado ao tamanho das crianças. Foi constatado que a primeira escola montessoriana no Brasil, proveniente da vertente educacional estadunidense, atendeu ao público infantil, em São Paulo, no ano de 1915, num investimento particular de Ciridião Buarque e Mary Buarque. Esta pedagogia se irradiou por intermédio das apropriações realizadas pelos docentes da Escola Normal da Praça, em São Paulo, estado que possuía, desde 1924, legislação que indicava o uso de materiais didáticos de Montessori e de Froebel, mas de forma desarticulada dos princípios pedagógicos. No Paraná, a educação montessoriana foi institucionalizada na legislação educacional da Pré-escola em 1915 e investimentos foram realizados em 1924, quando Lysímaco Costa adquiriu os ?enxovais montessorianos? para quatro Jardins de Infância. Em Curitiba, em 1927, durante a Primeira Conferência Nacional da Associação Brasileira de Educação (ABE) foram apresentadas teses com base montessoriana. Ainda no Paraná, no final da década de 1940, a utilização do método ocorreu no ensino público no Programa da Pré-escola e do Ensino Primário e em 1952 foi inaugurada a Escola Experimental Montessoriana Rural para crianças do Ensino Primário, por iniciativa de Eny Caldeira. Ela e Piper de Lacerda Borges, presidente da Associação Montessori do Brasil, fizeram curso com Montessori, na Itália, em 1951. Já na Bahia, em 1927, efetivaram-se cursos de férias para formação de professores durante os quais foram disseminadas pelos docentes da Escola Normal de Salvador concepções montessorianas e a ressignificação dos materiais, tanto para a Pré-escola como para o Ensino Primário. O teor destes cursos foi divulgado por revistas pedagógicas. No mesmo local, em 1924, Alípio Franca traduziu o Livro Pedagogia Científica. No Rio de Janeiro, materiais e frações do método montessoriano se disseminaram para a Educação Infantil por meio da legislação educacional, em 1921 e em 1929. Evidências da utilização do Método Montessori em perspectiva não restrita ao uso de materiais didáticos foram encontradas nos programas infantis radiofônicos realizados por Mary Buarque, em São Paulo, a partir de 1936; no vínculo do método com a assistência social e teosófica, na década de 1950, disseminado por Piper de Lacerda Borges; no reuso dado ao método pelo lusitano Agostinho da Silva, também nos anos 1950, na criação de algumas universidades. Conclui-se que, entre 1914 e 1952, o processo de institucionalização do método Montessori no Brasil foi capitaneado por diversos sujeitos, em diferentes lugares do país, com apropriações e representações.

Language: Portuguese

Published: Florianópolis, Brazil, 2017


A presença do sagrado na literatura educacional. Ressonâncias da criança divina no pensamento de Maria Montessori [The presence of the sacred in educational literature. Resonances of the divine child in the thought of Maria Montessori]

Available from: Educação e Filosofia

Publication: Educação e Filosofia, vol. 28, no. 56

Pages: 887-914

Sacred, Spirituality

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Abstract/Notes: The sacred in the educational thought of Maria Montessori and the resonances of the divine child. The first part of the article focuses on the relation between education and sacred, in the eyes of Olivier Reboul; the second part focuses on the place of Maria Montessori in the movement of New Education and her concept of "divine child". Finally, in a third part, the reappearance of the Divine Child in the work of the author is underlined, connecting it to the emergence of a childhood religion. / O sagrado no pensamento educacional de Maria Montessori e as ressonâncias da criança divina. Trata-se numa primeira parte da relação entre a educação e o sagrado na perspetiva de Olivier Reboul. Numa segunda parte focar-se-á o lugar de Maria Montessori no seio da Educação Nova, bem como se expressa a sua concepção de "criança nova". Finalmente, e já numa terceira parte, fala-se da ressurgência da Criança Divina na obra da autora como prolegómenos de uma religião da infância.

Language: Portuguese

DOI: 10.14393/REVEDFIL.issn.0102-6801.v28n56a2014-p887-914

ISSN: 1982-596X

Book Section

Erdkinder: An Educational Approach for Adolescents Ages 12-15

Book Title: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education

Pages: 157-166

Erdkinder, High school students, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Montessori method of education - Evaluation, Secondary education

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Abstract/Notes: This chapter describes Maria Montessori’s expansion of her educational approach–initially created for young children–into adolescence. Montessori named her program for adolescents Erdkinder (children of the earth) because she believed that learning how to engage in work related to the functions of society, especially through agriculture, allowed for relevant social and economic experiences. Erdkinder programs are often farm school or similar settings which incorporate hands-on work that facilitates learning about resource allocation, scarcity, conflict, technology, and human impact on the world in context. In this way, history, geography, and hard sciences come to life. This chapter provides detailed profiles of three exemplary Erdkinder settings.

Language: English

Published: New York, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023

ISBN: 978-1-350-27561-4 978-1-350-27560-7 978-1-350-27562-1

Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks

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