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272 results


Creating an Outdoor Extension to the Primary Classroom and a Natural Playscape Beyond the Gate

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 36, no. 3

Pages: 137-153

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Theories of Play

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 21, no. 3

Pages: 24-40

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Discusses several theories of play advanced before the development of psychoanalysis, including the theories of surplus energy, recreation, and practice. Examines the psychoanalytical view advanced by Freud and others, which focuses on the emotional release of play and its role in discovery and learning. (MDM)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Outdoor Settings for Playing and Learning: Designing School Grounds to Meet the Needs of the Whole Child and Whole Curriculum

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 21, no. 3

Pages: 97-120

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Abstract/Notes: Presents a list of imaginative design options for optimal outdoor learning as well as intimate contact with nature. Focuses on entrances, pathways, signage and displays, barriers and enclosures, manufactured equipment and play structures, multipurpose game settings, groundcovers and safety surfaces, landforms and topography, trees and vegetation, gardening settings, animal habitats, aquatic settings, and performance settings. (MDM)

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Playful Learning and Montessori Education

Available from: ERIC

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 38, no. 2

Pages: 137-174

Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Educational philosophy, Fantasy in children, Imagination in children, Maria Montessori - Philosophy, Montessori method of education, North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals, Play

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Abstract/Notes: Although Montessori education is often considered a form of playful learning, Maria Montessori herself spoke negatively about a major component of playful learning--pretend play, or fantasy--for young children. In this essay, the author discusses this apparent contradiction: how and why Montessori education includes elements of playful learning while simultaneously eschewing fantasy. She concludes with a discussion of research on the outcomes of Montessori education and on pretend-play research, clarifying how Montessori education relates to playful learning. [Reprinted from the "American Journal of Play" 5,2 (2013, Winter): 157-186 (see EJ1003949).]

Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734


Downplaying Play: What We Miss When We Hesitate to Shake Loose and Frolic

Publication: NAMTA Journal, vol. 36, no. 3

Pages: 119–135

North American Montessori Teachers' Association (NAMTA) - Periodicals

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Language: English

ISSN: 1522-9734

Doctoral Dissertation

A Study of Pre-School Education in the Republic of Ireland with Particular Reference to Those Pre-Schools Which are Listed by the Irish Pre-School Playgroups Association in Cork City and County

Available from: British Library - EthOS

Comparative education, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, Europe, Ireland, Montessori method of education, Northern Europe, Preschool education

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Abstract/Notes: This study was undertaken in order to investigate the activities which took place in Irish pre-schools other than those within the formal school system. The principle focus of the research concerned the degree to which the pre-school children were being 'cognitively stretched' by the curriculum in which they were engaged. The social, linguistic, physical and creative development of these children was also considered.An historical review of the theory of play and recent research in this area was undertaken.Twenty-three pre-schools were taken at random from the membership list in Cork city and county of the Irish Pre- School Playgroups Association. One pre-school which was not a member was added. Prior to embarking upon the study, a history of the I.P.P.A. was given.The ethnographic research strategy was found to be the most suitable method of assessing empirically the nature and frequency of play in the pre-school. This study, which took place between 1986 and 1990, was therefore eclectic in nature, employing a multi-faceted approach encompassing a target child observational schedule, interviews, a study of classrooms, a questionnaire and an interaction analysis system.Briefly, the results showed that the 157 children engaged in this study were being cognitively stretched for approximately one quarter of the time if they were in a playgroup and approximately one half of the time if they were in a Montessori setting. Social and linguistic behaviour was limited by the actions of the pre-school leaders and physically or creatively challenging behaviour was rarely observed. The fact that the children played alone for half of the total time spent in the pre-school was most striking.The most important finding to emerge from the study of language in the twenty-four pre-schools was the fact that the children rarely communicated verbally. Dialogue was almost non-existent and children's questions were very sparse. In order to place the above in a National context, a questionnaire was sent in 1990 to a random sample of one hundred I.P.P.A. members in the 26 counties of the Republic of Ireland. Unfortunately, only 39 responded. However, of note was that approximately 25% of playgroup leaders had degrees and four-fifths of them were mothers in their mid-thirties. They strongly disagreed with the teaching of the 3Rs and felt that much more government money should be devoted to playgroups and in-service training for their personnel.

Language: English

Published: Hull, England, 1993


The History of Korean Traditional Play / 한국전통놀이의 변천사 -유아교육적 적용을 위한-

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 14, no. 2

Pages: 51-60

Asia, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: The purpose of this study is to investigate the history of Korean traditional play to get an idea for applying to the children's play education. Children's play is through to have derived from adults. The history of the play of the Korean culture shows us the progress of the play and suggest the ideas for applying to children's play. According to the general criteria for era classification which was divided by the nation and system of politics, Old ancient times, Three States period, Koryo dynasty and Chosun dynasty were selected. There was a play community which work and play get together and harvest ceremony, which prey good crops and peace stability were the major issues in the old ancient times. There were two different types of play in the Three States period, a form of millitary drill for territorial expansion in the early years and a form of millitary drill play following the stability of sovereign power in the later year, for example, a kind of polo instead of horseback training. Milliatry training placed under the category of play in this study, owing to it being not an actual fight. There was a definite status system in Koryo dynasty. Plays were devided into two types. One was for aristocratic class, the other was for working class. Performing artist, dancer, singer and musician appeared and worked for an aristocratic class and working class developed their own activities for their fun and their work. Buddhism was the central thought on Koryo dynasty and play was affected by that. Confucianism was the central idea in the Chosun dynasty. Confucianists have looking down on the play, the aristocratic class laid off playing and the working class took and developed. Going to the latter part of Chosun dynasy, play served functions to unify the working class and unionize the local residents. Each of age has its own special characteristic and has a relation with its spirit of that society. / 본 연구의 목적은 전통놀이의 특징이 오랜 세월 그 집단이 형성한 집단 사유체계, 생활양식을 지니고 있으면서 놀이의 형식 즉 자유롭고 재미있게 현실을 재현하는 가운데 상상력을 발휘하여 새 세계를 창조하는 기능을 가지고 있음에 의거하여 한국의 놀이 변천과정을 살펴 현대의 놀이교육에 시사점을 얻고자 하는 것이다. 놀이는 사회의 필요성과 요구에 의해 형성되는 것이며, 아동과 청소년의 놀이는 성인의 놀이에서 파생되므로 전체적인 놀이변천사를 찾아보는 것은 유아 놀이 연구의 기초가 되므로 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 한국의 전통놀이를 시대별로 구분하여 살펴보았다. 시대 구분은 국가나 정치 체제를 기준으로 역사를 구분하는 일반적인 방법을 취하여 상고시대, 삼국시대, 고려시대, 조선시대로 나누었다. 시대 구분은 국가나 정치 체제를 기준으로 역사를 구분하는 일반적인 방법을 취하여 상고시대, 삼국시대, 고려시대, 조선시대로 나누었다. 상고시대는 놀이공동체 사회로 부락민 전체가 일과 놀이를 함께 하였고, 농촌사회의 풍년과 안녕을 비는 제전행사가 중심이 되었다. 삼국시대에는 초기의 영토확장과 왕권상화를 위한 군사훈련용 놀이형태와 후기의 왕권안정기의 놀이용 놀이로 구분된다. 중국으로부터 불교와 유교사상이 놀이에 반영되었다. 고려시대에는 귀족과 서민 계층이 구분되어 귀족을 위한 놀이전문가의 놀이와 수민들의 스스로 놀기위한 놀이로 분화되어 발전하였다. 고려시대는 불교중심의 귀족놀이시대라고 할 수 있다. 조선시대는 유교가 시대사상이 됨으로 놀이는 천시되어 귀족계층에서 홀대되고, 귀족놀이는 서민에게 이양되어 놀이형태의 변형을 가져왔다. 조선조 후기로 가면서 놀이는 생산을 담당하는 노동계층의 결속과 지역민의 단결을 위한 매개의 기능을 담당하고 있다. 이러한 놀이형태는 현재에도 이어져 세시풍속이 되어있다. 각 시대는 시대별 특징을 지니고 있으나 주변 선진 문물과의 교류를 통해 기존의 놀이를 변화시키거나 새로운 놀이형태를 통합하여 재창조하며, 농촌중심공동체 사회의 풍년과 안녕을 비는 놀이형태를 지니고 있다. 이러한 전통놀이 변천사를 통해 현대 유아교육의 놀이교육이 가야할 방향과 놀이형태에 시시점을 얻을 수 있다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


The Relationship Between Parenting Attitude and Children's Playfulness / 부모의 양육태도와 유아의 놀이성과의 관계

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 14, no. 1

Pages: 40-57

Asia, Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention-deficit-disordered children, Early childhood care and education, Early childhood education, East Asia, Montessori method of education, South Korea

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Abstract/Notes: This study aims to investigate the relationship between parental attitude and children's playfulness and to highlight the importance of it. The subjects of this study are 147 children aged 4 and 5, their father or mother, and their teachers from educational institutions located in Daejeon. The questionnaire for parental attitude is Schaefer's "Maternal Behavior Research Instrument", translated by Wonyoung Lee (1983). For children's playfulness, Children's Playfulness Scale(CPS) is used, which was invented with the concept of playfulness defined by Barnett (1991) & Lieberman (1977). The research results are as followings: First, there is significant differences of parental attitude between fathers and mothers in all the categories of parental attitudes: loving, refusing, autonomous, and controlling attitudes. Second, there is significant difference of parental attitude by children's gender, in particular in the refusing attitude, while there is not any significant difference of parental attitude by children's age. However, in the loving attitude, 4-aged group gained significantly higher marks than 5-year group. Third, there is significant difference of children's playfulness by children's gender and age. Particularly in physical playfulness as one of sub-category of children's playfulness, boys show better physical spontaneity than girls significantly. There is significant difference of children's playfulness by children's age. For cognitive spontaneity as one of sub-category of children's playfulness, 5 aged children show higher marks than 4 aged children while 4 aged children show statistically higher marks in happiness expression than 5 aged children. Fourth, there is significantly positive relationship between father's loving attitude and children's social spontaneity. As father's controlling attitude is higher, physical, social, and cognitive spontaneity of children is higher. There is significantly positive relationship between mother's controlling attitude and children's physical spontaneity while there is negative relationship between mother's refusing attitude and children's cognitive spontaneity. However, overall there is not significant relationship between father and mother's parenting attitude and children's playfulness. / 본 연구에서는 만 4, 5세 유아의 아버지와 어머니의 양육태도가 연령과 성별에 따라 어떻게 다른지, 또한 부모의 양육태도와 유아의 놀이성과의 관계는 어떠한지에 대해 알아보았다. 연구의 대상은 교육 및 보육기관에 재원중인 만 4, 5세 유아 147명과 그들의 부모인 아버지 147명과 어머니 147명 총 441명이다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 아버지와 어머니의 양육태도는 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 유아의 성별에 따른 아버지와 어머니의 양육태도는 아버지와 어머니 둘 다 거부적 태도에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 유아의 연령에 따른 아버지와 어머니의 양육태도는 차이가 없었다. 셋째, 유아의 성별과 연령에 따라 유아의 놀이성은 차이가 있었다. 넷째, 아버지의 애정적 태도가 높을수록 유아의 사회적 자발성이 높게 나타났다. 그리고 아버지의 통제적 태도가 높을수록 신체적 자발성, 사회적 자발성, 인지적 자발성이 높게 나타났다. 다섯째, 어머니의 통제적 태도가 높을수록 유아의 신체적 자발성이 높으며, 어머니의 거부적 태도가 높을수록 인지적 자발성이 낮은 것으로 나타났다.

Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


A Case Study of Integrative Therapy for the Reduction of Externalizing Problem Behaviors in Young Children: Focusing on Integrative Therapy of Montessori Education and Group Therapy Play / 유아의 외현화 문제행동감소를 위한 통합치료 사례연구몬테소리교육과 집단치료놀이의 통합치료를 중심으로

Available from: RISS

Publication: Montessori교육연구 [Montessori Education Research], vol. 11

Pages: 53-76

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Language: Korean

ISSN: 1226-9417


Learning at Play: Children Stimulated to Teach Themselves in Montessori's 'Planned Environment'

Available from: Newspapers.com

Publication: Lansing State Journal (Lansing, Michigan)

Pages: E1

Americas, Montessori method of education, Montessori schools - Photographs, North America, United States of America

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Language: English

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