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2046 results

Master's Thesis (Unpublished)

The Relevance of Montessori Education: A Study of Montessori Schools in the Cork Area

Europe, Ireland, Montessori method of education - Criticism, interpretation, etc., Northern Europe

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Language: English

Published: Cork, Ireland, 1990


Výběr žáků do tříd a škol uplatňujících pedagogiku Marie Montessori / Selection of pupils into classes and schools applying the pedagogy of Maria Montessori

Available from: Univerzita Karlova Institutional Repository

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Abstract/Notes: Tato diplomová práce zkoumá výběr žáků do tříd a škol uplatňujících pedagogiku Marie Montessori. Cílem diplomové práce bylo zjistit, jak si jednotlivé školy vybírají žáky do tříd a škol Marie Montessori. Dále bylo zkoumáno, jaké důvody vedou rodiče k volbě této pedagogiky pro jejich dítě a jaké podmínky musí rodiče a žáci splnit pro přijetí do tohoto vzdělávání. V poslední řadě jsem analyzovala, jak probíhá přijímací řízení. Základním výzkumným designem byla vícepřípadová studie. Cíleně jsem vybrala čtyři základní školy s touto pedagogikou jak ve velkém městě, tak v menších městech. Výzkum jsem rozdělila na dvě části. V první části jsem vedla polostrukturované rozhovory se zaměstnanci zvolených škol a s rodiči dětí z Montessori tříd. V druhé části jsem pozorovala samotné zápisy do 1. tříd. Zjistila jsem, že každá škola má definované požadavky na výběr žáků a tyto požadavky se mezi školami výrazně liší. Rodiče volí školy uplatňující pedagogiku M. Montessori, z důvodu individuálního přístupu k jednotlivcům. Pedagogové se domnívají, že je vhodné, aby rodiče doma uplatňovali stejné výchovné metody a že by toto rádi uplatňovali jako přijímací kritérium. Celý průběh zápisu probíhal stejně jako v běžných školách. Rozdíl byl především v používání Montessori pomůcek / This diploma thesis examines the pupil selection to Marie Montessori pedagogical classes and schools. The aim of the thesis was to find out how the individual schools choose pupils in Marie Montessori classes and schools. Furthermore, it was examined what reasons parents have to choose this pedagogy for their child and what conditions parents and pupils have to fulfill for admission to this education. Last but not least, I analyzed how the admission procedure is taking place. The basic research design was a multi-case study. I chose four primary schools with this pedagogy in the big city as well as in smaller towns. I divided the research into two parts. In the first part I conducted semi-structured interviews with employees of selected schools and with parents of children from Montessori classes. In the second part I observed the first class admission interviews. I have found out that each school has defined pupil selection requirements and that these requirements vary considerably between schools. Parents opt for the Montessori School because of its individual approach to individuals. Teachers believe that it is appropriate that parents apply the same educational methods at home and that they would like to apply this as an admission criterion. The whole admission interviews were the same as in traditional basic schools. The difference was mainly in the use of Montessori tools.

Language: Czech

Published: Prague, Czechia, 2019

Book Section

Einige Hinweise zur Montessori-Literatur [Some references to the Montessori literature]

Book Title: Die Montessori-Pädagogik und das behinderte Kind: Referate und Ergebnisse des 18. Internationalen Montessori Kongresses (München, 4-8 Juli 1977) [The Montessori System and the Handicapped Child: Papers and Reports of the 18th International Montessori Congress (Munich, July 4-8, 1977)]

Pages: 199-215

Conferences, International Montessori Congress (18th, Munich, Germany, 4-8 July 1977), Montessori method of education - Research

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Language: German

Published: München: Kindler, 1978

ISBN: 3-463-00716-9


Understanding Equitable Access to Public Montessori Pre-K: A Case Study of Montessori Recruitment and Enrollment Practices

Available from: Child Trends

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Abstract/Notes: Ensuring equitable access to high-quality early education for families from all racial, ethnic, and income backgrounds is a critical component for addressing systemic racism and inequality within the public education system. This study examined one piece of this issue by investigating access to public Montessori pre-K, as well as barriers that may hinder equitable access. While many public Montessori pre-K programs report that students are admitted through a random lottery process, initial efforts to study these programs indicated that certain enrollment policies may create barriers to access. Potential barriers to accessing public Montessori pre-K include lottery priority status for siblings, neighborhood residents, and children of staff; a lack of targeted recruitment practices for families from underserved communities; and affordability. These barriers to access may disproportionally affect Black and Latino families and families facing poverty, who have unequal access to high-quality educational opportunities overall. The Montessori model was originally created to give children with learning challenges (e.g., children who exhibited concentration, attention, and discipline challenges) a high-quality educational environment where they could thrive. Given the origins of the Montessori pedagogy and existing disparities within the educational system, questions of equity should be at the center of policy development for accessing public Montessori pre-K.

Language: English

Published: Bethesda, Maryland, Mar 26, 2021

Master's Thesis

5-6 yaş çocukların matematik becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde Montessori eğitim programının etkisi [The effect of Montessori method of education on the development of mathematics skills in 5-6 year old children]

Available from: Ulusal Tez Merkezi / National Thesis Center (Turkey)

Asia, Comparative education, Mathematics education, Middle East, Montessori materials, Montessori method of education, Preschool children, Turkey, Western Asia

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Abstract/Notes: Instead of showing mathematics as a lesson Montessori helps children to see the mathematics that it is the most essential part of life. Generally, in our country people have prejudice about the mathematics that it is very difficult and it cannot be learned easily. The reason of this prejudice is teaching mathematisc with abstract examples. Montessori, teaches mathematics by using concrete materials. The aim of this study is, to evaluate the effects of Montessori program in teaching mathematic to 5 and 6 year old children. Hence, of the 40 preschool participants of this research 20 of them were going to school were Montessori method was utilized while not so at the school where the other 20 were going. The interview form composed by the researcher and the data analysed with Nvivo program. / Montessori, matematiği çocukların hayatına bir ders olarak sunmayıp, daha çok hayatı basitleştiren bir bilgi, hayatın bir parçası olarak sunmaktadır. Genel olarak ülkemizde matematik öğrenimine, çok zor olduğu, asla öğrenilemeyeceği şeklinde olumsuz bir ön yargı ile yaklaşılmaktadır. Bu yargının nedeni matematik öğrenim tarzının, genel olarak soyut uygulamalarla öğretilmeye çalışılmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Montessori matematik eğitimi, yıllarca oynamaktan büyük bir haz duyduğu somut bazı materyalleri kullanarak verilmektedir. Araştırmanın amacı 5-6 yaş çocuklara Montessori matematik dersinin öğretilmesinde Montessori eğitim programının etkisini değerlendirmektir. Bu anlamda araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan mülakat formu ile elde edilen veriler Nvivo programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmanın örneklemini Montessori eğitimi almış (deney) ve almamış (kontrol) 5-6 yaş arası 40 çocuktan oluşan gruplar oluşturmuştur.

Language: Turkish

Published: Istanbul, Turkey, 2019


Montessori, Caribbean Style [St. Maarten Montessori School]

Publication: Montessori Leadership, vol. 8, no. 3

Pages: 45–46

Americas, Caribbean, Latin America and the Caribbean, Sint Maarten (Dutch), St. Maarten (Dutch)

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Language: English

Master's Thesis

O método Montessori-Lubienska no Colégio Sion, Curitiba (1956-1969): entre táticas e estratégicas [The Montessori-Lubienska method at Colégio Sion, Curitiba (1956-1969): between tactics and strategies]

Available from: Universidade Federal do Paraná

Americas, Brazil, Hélène Lubienska de Lenval - Biographic sources, Latin America and the Caribbean, Maria Montessori - Biographic sources, Montessori method of education, South America

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Abstract/Notes: O presente trabalho busca a identificação de táticas e estratégias empregadas no processo de implantação do método montessori-lubienska no Colégio Sion de Curitiba, entre 1956 e 1959. A construção desta narrativa historiográfica apresenta como eixo teórico articulador o historiador francês Michel de Certeau, com seus conceitos de lugar, de estratégia e de tática, a partir do entrecruzar de fontes de tipologia diversa coletadas nos arquivos do Colégio e em instâncias externas; e do diálogo com publicações acadêmicas que abordam os temas e o contexto, no âmbito nacional e paranaense. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam que sob atmosfera marcada no Paraná por iniciativas anteriores relacionadas ao método Montessori, a opção e as iniciativas católicas pelo método montessori-lubienska como saída para o embate entre católicos e renovadores, aliadas à formação que Soeur Maria Cristina recebera de Lubienska na França, permitiram que as irmãs de Curitiba por meio de golpes de astúcia organizassem táticas para garantir o método montessori-lubienska como estratégia a partir do Colégio Sion. [The present dissertation seeks to identify tactics and strategies used in the process of implementing the montessori-lubienska method at Colégio Sion in Curitiba, between 1956 and 1959. The construction of this historiographic narrative presents the french theoretical Michel de Certeau as an articulating theoretical axis, with its concepts of place, strategy and tactics, from the intersection of sources of different types collected in the archives of the College and in external instances; and dialogue with academic publications that address the themes and the context, at the Brasil and state of Paraná. The research results show that under an atmosphere marked in Paraná by previous initiatives related to the Montessori method, the Catholic option and initiatives by the montessori-lubienska method as a way out of the clash between Catholics and renovators, combined with the training that Soeur Maria Cristina had received from Lubienska in France, they allowed the sisters of Curitiba by means of cunning strokes to organize tactics to guarantee the montessori-lubienska method as a strategy from Colégio Sion.]

Language: Portuguese

Published: Curitiba, Brazil, 2020


✓ Peer Reviewed

Geragogiczny Model Pracy z Seniorami Oparty na Koncepcji Marii Montessori / A Geragogical Model of Working with the Elderly According to the Concept Maria Montessori

Available from: Library of Science (Poland)

Publication: Edukacja Dorosłych, vol. 2017, no. 2 (whole no. 77)

Pages: 225-239

Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Gerontology, Montessori method of education, Montessori-Based Dementia Programming (MBDP), Montessori-based interventions (MBI)

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Abstract/Notes: The article is a presentation of a model of work with the elderly based on the principles of Maria Montessori pedagogy. The described model provides support for elderly people (also with cognitive deficits) not only in retaining maximum independence and highest possible level of intellectual functions, but also in their development through success-focused learning. Chosen elements adopted from Maria Montessori’s pedagogy such as prepared environment, specific didactic materials, and teacher/companion enable the classes’ participants to learn with joy, enjoying autonomy, respect and dignity. / Artykuł jest prezentacją modelu pracy z osobami starszymi opartej na założeniach pedagogiki Marii Montesssori. Opisywany model jest propozycją wsparcia osób starszych (również z deficytami poznawczymi) nie tylko w zachowaniu maksymalnej samodzielności, utrzymaniu funkcji intelektualnych na możliwie wysokim poziomie, ale także ich rozwój poprzez uczenie się zogniskowane na powodzeniu. Zaadaptowane z pedagogiki Marii Montessori wybrane elementy, m.in. przygotowane otoczenie, specyficzne materiały dydaktyczne, osoba nauczyciela/ towarzysza dają uczestnikom zajęć możliwość uczenia się z radością, poczuciem autonomii, szacunku i godności.

Language: Polish

ISSN: 1230-929X

Bachelor's Thesis

Montessori pedagoška koncepcija [Montessori pedagogical conception]

Available from: CORE

Croatia, Europe, Montessori method of education, Southern Europe

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Abstract/Notes: Kako bi odgojili kompetentno dijete ono treba poštovanje, slobodu izražavanja, te mnoštvo poticaja prilikom svog odgoja i obrazovanja, a najviše od svega potporu i ohrabrenje da sve što radi pokuša napraviti samo. Djetetu se prilikom samostalnih aktivnosti ili određenih zadataka jača samopouzdanje, dijete se razvija, uči na greškama, te pronalazi rješenja. Dijete od svoga rođenja prolazi kroz mnoštvo razvojnih faza koje su teške, kako za osobe koje sudjeluju u odgoju i učenju djeteta, tako i za samo dijete, te mu samim time mi kao osobe odgovorne za predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje trebamo moći i znati pomoći da kroz sve te faze prođe na najbolji mogući način. Upravo su promjene u razmišljanjima o odgoju, te drugačiji pristup odgoju, te djetetu kao jedinki dovele do pojave alternativnih pedagoških koncepcija. Montessori pedagogija svojim načinom rada, te samim pristupom prema dječjem odgoju i poštivanju različitosti među djecom i danas nadahnjuje mnoge, te je izrazito priznata u cijelom svijetu. U radu se pojašnjava tijek reforme odgoja i obrazovanja koji je naposljetku i doveo do pojave alternativnih pedagoških metoda i različitih pristupa u odgoju i obrazovanju, a sam rad baziran je na pedagošku konceociju Marie Montessori. [In order to raise a competent child, it needs respect, freedom of expression and a lot of incentives during its upbringing and education, but most of all a child needs support and encouragement to try and do everything on its own. While performing independent activities or certain tasks, the child develops, learns from its mistakes and finds solutions. It goes through many difficult development phases from the moment of its birth – difficult phases for the people who participate in the upbringing and education of the child, as well as for the child itself. Therefore, as people who are responsible for the preschool upbringing and education, we must be able, and we must know how to help the child to go through all those phases in the best possible way. The changes in the way we think about upbringing, a different approach to upbringing and child as an individual have led to the occurrence of alternative pedagogical concepts. Montessori pedagogy, with its way of working, and it is very approach to childcare and respect for diversity among children, still inspires many today, and is widely recognized throughout the world. The paper clarifies the course of educational reform, which eventually led to the emergence of alternative pedagogical methods and different approaches in education, and the work itself is based on the Marie Montessori pedagogical concept.]

Language: Croatian

Published: Zagreb, Croatia, 2019

Bachelor's Thesis

Montessori promosiesentrum [Montessori Promotional Center]

Africa, South Africa, Southern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Language: Afrikaans

Published: Bloemfontein, South Africa, 1988

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